Year 4 Robinson
We have the amazing support of our teaching assistants, Miss Mumford and Miss Levinsohn.
Our learning in Class 4R is based around lots of exciting topics, for example: Keeping Warm, Webpage building, Personal Hygiene and Jesus the Teacher
A main aim in our class is to build everyone’s confidence and encourage everyone to have a go even if they are unsure. We love challenging ourselves and then feeling so good when we are successful. We work hard in Class 4R, striving to be the best we can be, always reaching for the stars and having lots of fun in the process.
Transition Day at All Hallows
Stay and Play in Year Four R

Our class won an art competition showing what Salford means to us. Nicole won the main prize. Her work will be on display in the new buildings on Adelphi Wharf.
Food Technology in Year Four
Our Art trip around Salford Quays
Our drumming assembly
Our trip to Manchester Museum.
Take a look at all the book worms in our class during our class visit to Brougton Library.
Here is a copy of our curriculum in Year Four.
Miss Robinson
Year Four Teacher.