Year 3 Platt
Happy March everyone!
So much has happened already since our half term break...
We have began our season of Lent and the children will be making their Lenten promises.
The Children's first swimming trip was a success and Miss Blinco and I can't wait to see the children progress week by week.
Also we are very lucky as Paul the artist is going to be joining us every Thursday morning until half term - we are learning about landscapes and how the world looks from here on earth and in outer space. We will finish our unit off with a visit to a local area. Here is our first piece of artwork...


Spark making

Happy New Year!
The start to 2017 in 3P has been a busy one. The children have been learning about reconciliation in R.E. in preparation for the beginning of their Sacramental programme. Please find the dates below.
Sacramental Programme
Dates for the Process 2016-2017
Presentation Preparation: Wednesday 1st February at 3.15pm in School.
PRESENTATION: Sun 5th February at 10.30am Mass in Church
Reconciliation Preparation (1): Wednesday 22nd March at 3.15pm in School.
MOTHER'S DAY: Church: Sunday 26th March at 10.30am Mass
Reconciliation Preparation (2): Wednesday 10th May at 3.15pm in School.
RECONCILIATION: Sunday 14th May 2017 at 2.30pm in Church.
First Holy Communion Prep: (1) Wednesday 14th June at 3.15pm in School.
First Holy Communion Prep: (2) Wednesday 21st June at 3.15pm in school.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Sunday 25th June 2017 at 10:30am Mass - Church.
We have also been dedicating time daily to look at poetry - the first poem we have been learning as a class is 'The Ghost Teacher' by Allan Ahlberg. The children are thoroughly enjoying learning the poem and acting it out. Please have a look at the videos we have recorded
The Ghost Teacher by Allan Ahlberg

Week Beginning 5/12/16
Roman Week!
Monday - We began the week exploring all things Roman; we baked bread, learnt about Roman numerals and the Roman alphabet, created our very own shields and performed the myth Romulus and Remus - See 3L's page for pictures.
Tuesday - Trip to Chester
We arrived in Chester and headed straight to the DEWA museum. Waiting for us outside was an actual Roman solider!! We had a wonderful day exploring all things Roman and marching through the streets proudly brandishing our shields! See Pictures below...
Trip to Chester
Week Beginning 7.11.16
Science Day!!
As you know the whole of St Thomas's threw themselves into science day yesterday, the children watched some explosive demonstrations including teddies and Rice Krispies being blown up and lighting rocket fuel!
We then built our very own rockets to launch and built snazzy motorised cars.
Have a look at the pictures and videos below.
Miss Platt lighting the rocket fueled jet pack!

Week Beginning 31.10.16
What an exciting start to our second half term we have had!
In English we are now describing an enchanting, magical setting from Harry Potter - can you use your senses and 'Mary Poppins' your self into the picture to describe what is around you.
Watch the video again to help you. -
Hi everybody, from 3P!
Miss Platt, Miss Blinco and the children can't quiet believe how quick this half term is flying but have managed to make a fantastic start on their learning journeys this year.
With their new growth mindsets the children are able to approach challenges with a belief and willingness to learn. So far we have learnt how our brains can grow by trying something that may be a little tricky and the importance of concentration and how it helps us to achieve our goals.
In our maths lessons we have started the year looking at place value, rounding and adding numbers mentally, alongside daily counting and mental and oral work. The children have enjoyed using different mathematical equipment to support them pictorially when working out their calculations.
We have really hit the ground running with our Roman topic this half term, with our first class story 'Escape from Pompeii.' The children have learnt of two young children, Tranio and Liva, and their ordeal when their beloved city of Pompeii was destroyed by an almighty volcano which left their beloved city desolate.
The children used sequencing to develop an understanding of the characters and have even interviewed them, as reporters, to create their own newspaper recount.
Please come and 'READ ALL ABOUT IT' on our English display.
Parents and families,
Thank you all for your continued support, the children have been returning their reading books, homework and coming into school punctually and smartly. Reading books will be changed on a Monday. Wednesday and Friday and homework/spellings will be given out on a Friday to be returned by Wednesday at the latest.
Any questions please don't hesitate to ask
Many thanks,
Miss Platt and Miss Blinco