Social, Moral, Cultural and Spiritual Education
SMSC is embedded in the ethos and curriculum of our school. We aim to give our children opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, raise their spiritual awareness, have high expectations of personal behaviour and a positive attitude towards others. We also expect children to have an understanding of their own traditions and an appreciation for the diversity and richness of other cultures as well as a respect for their religion and other faiths.
Remembrance Day
Black History Month
Year 4 visit to Manchester Jewish Museum to learn about Judaism
Y1's Salford Loaves and Fishes Donations
Wednesday 20th July 2022
A big thank you to all our Y1 families who kindly donated items for Salford Loaves and Fishes drop-in centre. Mr Deane, with the help of four Year 1 children, delivered the donations this afternoon.
Great work Year 1!
Summer Term visit to Newlands Care Home
8 children from Year 5 visited Newlands Card Home armed with questions to find out more about the residents who live there. Look out for the fact files they are going to make about what they found out. The children chatted away with the residents for an hour and were treated to a little snack at the end.
Year 6's Fundraising for St Joseph's Penny
We would like to thank our incredibly generous parents at St Thomas' who found the time to make some delectable food for us to sell and those who donated money during Holy week. Year 6 raised over £400 for St Joseph's Penny!
Year 1
Cultural Day with Year 6
Some wonderful outfits from the day!
Easter visit to Newlands Care home
Just before we broke up for Easter, a group of Year 5 children visited Newland’s Care home. The care home is local to us and has many residents that lived in the community. The children took a selection of Easter pictures and cards made by children from Nursery to Year 6. The children chatted to the residents and wished them a Happy Easter. We will return in the summer term to spend more time with the residents and find out more about them.
Other Faith Day 2022
In April, the children celebrated and learnt all about other faiths.
Year 1 - Buddhism
Year 2 – Buddhism continued
Year 3 - Judaism
Year 4 – Hinduism
Year 5 - Islam
Year 6 - Sikhism