Nursery Richardson
Welcome to Nursery R!
Welcome to Nursery R’s class page. We will be keeping it updated with all the fun things we are doing throughout the term and we will give tips and links so you can help your children learn at home too.
Mrs Richardson, Miss Wright, Mrs Mesjasz and Miss Kinsley are so pleased to be the first to welcome your children to St Thomas of Canterbury. Parents should be very proud; the children in Nursery have really settled into their new school and classroom and have learnt our routines very quickly!
We have enjoyed spending time in our key worker groups learning all of our friend’s names and finding out about each other. We have really enjoyed our topic of ‘Nursery Rhymes’, performing our favourite songs in front of the class and have learnt lots of new action rhyme songs.
Over the past few weeks we have learnt about our Golden Rules and are very good at reminding each other to:
- Be kind and gentle to each other
- Be honest and tell the truth
- Listen to the adults and each other
- Look after our toys and property
We love to be creative and have been making lots of things to make our classroom look colourful and fun. We loved getting our hands messy making our incy wincy spiders for our wall but our favourite part was making our yummy incy wincy spider biscuits!
One of our favourite stories has been Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We know it so well that we have been retelling it using props in our classroom. We have cooked our own porridge and tasted it with lots of different toppings – chocolate spread was the most popular. We used the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to help us talk about things that are small, big and bigger, just like the three bears. We have done lots of sorting activities and we made the different size chairs and beds in our outdoor area.
We have learnt lots of new counting songs and we love to sing ‘5 Cheeky Monkeys’ and ‘5 Little Ducks’ using our fingers to show how many are left.

Some of the things we enjoy doing in Nursery R
Help At Home
We are trying our best to become independent at self care skills. Please continue to encourage us to put our coat and shoes on by ourselves, to blow our nose and go to the toilet independently.
We are very excited for our next topics which include Autumn, toys, food and Christmas!