Year 3 Loftus
Welcome to the class page of 3L.
We will be updating this page regularly with information for parents and carers and activities for children.
Miss Loftus, Mrs Greenhalgh and Miss Flannigan.
Summer 1
Our last term in Year 3 has begun! We hit the ground running in all subjects and even went on a trip!
In maths, we are all looking at addition and subtraction. Some of us are so confident in the column addition method that we are using our skills to problem solve! In English, we have picture planned our own versions of ‘Stone Age Boy’ using a 5 part story structure. Our focus in grammar has been fronted adverbials for ‘when’. Here are some fabulously written sentences that use them;
As the car skidded, the silky cat with black patches fainted. (Alpha)
As the bell rang, Aliens came down and ate my brain! (Jordan)
As the bell rang, I ran to the line as quick as a flash. (Josephine and Melanie)
Every week, I go to the spooky haunted house with hilarious bats to trick or treat. (Daniel G)
Before I go to bed, I go to the park so I can have fun. (Carine).
On Friday, we visited a VERY muddy Kersal Dale for a stone age to iron age day out! We built dens, played hunting games and some of us gutted fish. We ended the day round the campfire eating wild garlic soup, oat bread and trout!

... the rest of Spring 2!
We have linked our music lessons to our recent novel - Charlie and the Chocolate factory. In groups, we have created our own sweets ... and machines! Watch this space for musical updates of our amazing machines!
3L and 3P were visited by a time travelling Neolithic man - Clud. We went on an adventure through time learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. From hunting mammoths to having chariot races – it was an action packed day!
During Lent, we reflected on how Jesus prepared for his ministry and discussed how we too could spread the Good News. We fundraised for charity - St Josephs Penny. In total, STOC raised £186!
In our topic of 'Amazing bodies' we are really beginning to understand what the different parts of the body do and why we need them. We began by learning about bones and muscles. We have even made the brain out of homemade playdough!
Next half term we will be continuing with our class novel – Stig of the Dump.
Super Star Footballer!
Daniel Marek from 3L was awarded the football club trophy for showing good sportsmanship this week. Well done Daniel! You really deserved this trophy!
This prompted a discussion about what a good team player looks like both in, and out of, the classroom.
Week 1 and 2
As we began the second half of the year, we hit the ground running. In week 1, we all came to school as our favourite characters to celebrate World Book Day. Even though we’d experienced extremely peculiar weather, we battled the elements and had a brilliant day designing new National Book Tokens and writing book reviews.
In our second week, we wrote a setting description based around an invented room for the Chocolate Factory. Based around our class novel, we designed and described a new room by using our five senses to paint pictures in the readers mind. From the Candy Floss Room to the Edible School Equipment Room, we had some wonderfully creative ideas!

Week 5 and 6
In our final week we reached several milestones; we finished reading our class novel, we completed our swimming sessions AND we’ve reached the half way point in Year 3!
We all agreed that we needed a break so we didn’t set formal homework. That said, Miss Loftus reminded us that we can practice our Maths and English skills online.
On Monday 12th February, we met a lovely lady called Maria who supported us in making hand made tiles. Miss Loftus introduced the poem below to us and we all designed a tile based on the content;
Sea Creatures
Come along, come with me,
Take a dive in the deep blue sea.
Put on your gear, let's explore
All the way to the ocean floor!
See that snail wrapped in curls?
Look! An oyster wearing pearls!
Watch the octopus oh so dark,
But don't you dare to pet the shark!
Dive on down, seaward bound,
Motion in the ocean is all around!
Dive on down, seaward bound.
Motion in the ocean is all around.
Now we're very far below,
The lantern fish are all aglow.
Is that a tiny shock you feel?
You just met an electric eel!
Giant blue whales start to stir,
Bigger than dinosaurs ever were!
Wave good-bye to the squid and sponge,
This is the end of our deep-sea plunge!
Dive on down, seaward bound,
Motion in the ocean is all around!
Dive on down, seaward bound.
Motion in the ocean is all around.
by Meish Goldish
We really enjoyed working with clay and the tools that Maria introduced us to.
Finally, on Shrove Tuesday we all designed a ‘Wonka-tastic’ pancake topping. We couldn’t decide what we enjoyed more – eating or designing (eating probably).


Designer Alert!
This week, we have been lucky enough to be introduced to 2 brilliantly designed stuffed characters. The designer is in our class – the very creative Barie! We were all so impressed that Barie had designed the characters and then made them using a range of skills and tools. Don’t forget us when you become a famous toy designer!

Week 2, 3 and 4
We have really been getting stuck into Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A gripping read! Through our writing, we have been using the text to help develop our knowledge of conjunctions and expanded noun phrases.
In History, we have designed our own Stone Age Tools but we all agreed that we are glad we live in the modern day rather than then. No internet? Imagine that!
We recently read the parable of the tax collector who changed his ways after seeing the light of the Lord. Some of us will be enrolling onto the Sacramental Programme this weekend and so we have really thought about how we can improve our mindset and attitudes towards ourselves, our work, those around us and towards God.
In swimming, we have all been in the large pool now and most of us can now swim a length unaided. What an achievement.
Spring Term
Week 1 and 2
We have all come back with a brilliantly focused attitude towards our learning and each other. We have started our new topic of ‘Amazing People’.
In Science we are learning about amazing bodies, in history we are learning about the Stone Age and in English we are reading the amazingly written ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.
We met the poet Paul Delaney this week. He has inspired us to write our own poems that will use word play and humour. Talking of amazing people, we also heard a poem all about the Stone Age by another very talented writer – Michael Rosen. Click this link to hear it!
Although we are learning about other amazing people, Miss Loftus has assured each child that they are amazing in their own right!
Week 8
Although it was only a short week, it really felt like a celebration of all that we have achieved in our first term in Year 3. We started the week off by designing glitter-filled gift cards, exchanging exciting Christmas cards and wishing each other well in Church with Father David and on Tuesday afternoon we had a party with food, dancing and games. Miss Loftus, Miss Flannigan and Mrs Greenhaulgh were very impressed at the co-operation shown in the games and the creative dancing! We might steal some moves!
We wish you all a healthy, happy festive season.
If you find yourself at a loose end this holiday, check out these online games to practise skills learned this term.
Don’t forget Miss Loftus’ favourite!
Keep checking the blog to see if you can leave a comment!
Week 7
We finished our class novel ‘The Time Travelling Cat and the Roman Eagle’ last week. Instead of starting a new book, Miss L decided we could learn a new Christmas Carol each day! Today we read and sang O Christmas Tree. Check out the video on the link here.
Week 5 and 6
Rock climbing, puppet making, letter writing ... you name it – we did it!
It certainly has been an exciting few weeks in 3L. Most of us had never attempted to sew, so when we got the chance to make a reindeer puppet on Wednesday we felt worried! We needn’t have worried as by lunch time, we had produced a sturdy hand puppet that was neatly decorated.
On Tuesday we went rock climbing at Rock Over Climbing. As the class went last year, many children challenged themselves to get higher and try tougher climbs.
We have also completed our letter to Santa, which Miss L posted. We used handwriting pens, gel pens and finished them off with a glitter sticker. We really hope we get a reply as we tried ever so hard with them!

Week 4
This week we received a letter from Santa’s Chief Elf Stripy! He found our friendship balloon and has asked us to write to Mr Claus explaining who we are, what we want for Christmas and reasons why we deserve these presents. We will complete and publish these letters in time to send to the North Pole!
It’s our assembly on Friday. The theme is Advent so this week we will be busy practising.
Week 3
Read all about it! We have published our newspaper articles all about the devastating volcanic eruption of 79AD. Come and see our display which will be up next week!
On Monday we visited Chester! From marching around the city walls to examining roman artefacts we had the most delightful day! Check out the videos and images below.
We have been visiting Broughton Baths for a few weeks now and on Friday we all got into the big pool! Some of us were nervous but we overcame our fears.



Autumn 2, Week 1 and 2
From pizza making in Piccadilly Gardens to singing Yellow Submarine by the Beatles – it’s certainly been an action packed few weeks!
On Tuesday, we travelled by mini-bus to the centre of Manchester and each made a traditional margarita at Pizza Express. While we stretched the dough, we learned about the origins of pizza and indeed the history of Pizza Express. We all agreed that our pizzas were delicious.
In English, we have been learning how to punctuate direct speech. This is all in preparation for publishing our newspaper articles based on the devastating volcanic eruption in Pompeii. Miss Loftus and Miss Platt demonstrated how to role play so that we can start including more drama into our lessons.

Half Term Activities
When the weather stops us going out, it’s hard to think of activities to keep us occupied. Why not look at these online games or suggested activities?
- (looking at 2nd and 3rd Grade)
If you have time, write a diary of what you got up to over the holidays. include labelled pictures.
We have been learning to use inverted commas and subordinating clauses. Can you write a story using them?
Week 7
It was a short week, but a very hectic one! From designing a bread roll for a Roman soldier, to using water colours and poster paints to create a vivid image of a volcano erupting, we’ve had a fabulously creative week.
In our DT project we conducted market research of current bread rolls on the market, discovered how bread was made, used salt dough to practise shaping and then actually baked bread! Here are some images of us baking our bread rolls. Although there were mixed reviews of our offerings, we all enjoyed the process.

Week 6
Ahead of Harvest Festival Day, 3L have been busy bringing non-perishable items to add to the schools offering to ‘Salford Loaves and Fishes’. This charity supports local people who are homeless or vulnerable.
We have also visited our local library where Sue kindly reminded us of how to navigate and use the facilities.

Check out our performance of ‘Everybody is Doing it’.

Black History and Poetry.
October is ‘Black History Month’ and this year STOC are relating this to poetry. Year 3 have been given the poem ‘Everybody is Doing it’ by Benjamin Zephaniah. We will be performing some of this upbeat poem next week. There will be a video posted!
Everybody is Doing it
In the Punjab they Bhangra
How they dance Kathak in India
Over in Guatemala
They dance the sweet Marimba,
Even foxes dance a lot
They invented the Fox Trot,
In Australia it's true
They dance to the Didgeridoo.
In Kenya they Benga
They Highlife in Ghana
They dance Ballet all over
And Rai dance in Algeria,
They Jali in Mali
In Brazil they Samba
And the girls do Belly Dancing
In the northern parts of Africa.
Everybody does the Disco
From Baghdad to San Francisco
Many folk with razzamataz
Cannot help dancing to Jazz,
They do the Jig in Ireland
And it is really true
They still Morris dance in England
When they can find time to.
To learn more about Benjamin Zephaniah, visit his website!
Week 3
Time is zooming by at super speed. Over the past 2 weeks we have been investigating main and subordinate clauses. When we begin writing our own newspaper reports, we will be using them effectively in our writing. That’s right – we will be becoming journalists reporting on the events at Pompeii in 79AD!
Our class novel The Time Travelling Cat and the Roman Eagle is full of mystery and suspense as we follow the journey of a little boy called Topher and his time travelling cat Ka! Our word of the week (from the novel) was suspended.
In maths, we are looking at the place value of 3 digit numbers and some of us are rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. Check out these games to support your knowledge!
In music we have been looking at crotches (cat) and quavers (monkey). Using these notations, we can been composing in partners.
Week 2
This week we read ‘Escape from Pompeii’ (Christine Balit) as part of our English work and have begun to retell the main parts of the story. We began by sequencing the stunning images and are now using them to support our writing.
Listen to the book being read online here (click link)
In Maths we have been exploring place value of 3 digit numbers using equipment such as Base 10, Place Value Counters and Dice.
On Friday we choreographed part of a Roman dance in PE which saw some of us become lions, gladiators and even slaves!
Week 1 - What happens in Year 3?
Year 3 is an exciting year ... the first year in the juniors! Children will take on more responsibility and develop a more independent approach to their learning. This will be an ongoing process throughout the juniors and nurturing each child’s skills carefully (and at an appropriate pace) is a responsibility we take very seriously.
It is important that all children continue to read and discuss texts with an adult on a regular basis. Children should read for fifteen minutes every night. Reading records must be signed to confirm that daily reading has been done. If children have not read or forgotten to sign their reading record, they will be asked to catch up during lunch time with an adult.
Homework will be given on a Friday and due in on a Monday.
We are very excited about the year ahead. If you have any questions whatsoever, please do speak to myself (Miss Loftus) or other adults within the classroom.