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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

Together with God we reach for the stars

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Year 1 Sale

During this period of home schooling, please feel free to email me at for any questions, support or guidance on tasks set through the HomeSchool portal. Please send photos and updates of your children and what they are getting up to, as I will regularly check the emails for some uplifting news!

Check out some of our home learning pictures which parents have emailed to us!

Welcome to the class page for Year 1S.


Our teaching staff are: 


Miss Sale (Class Teacher)

Miss Kapsi (HLTA cover Tuesday PM)

Miss Harrison

Mrs Quinn 

Miss Levinsohn

Miss Jedrach 

Miss Leigh 

In Maths, we have primarily been looking at Place Value. The children have been reading, writing and representing numbers from 1-100 in many different ways, and we have recently started to look at grouping numbers into tens and ones. In our mental and oral starters at the beginning of each maths lesson, Year 1 have been counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. 


Most recently, we have been introduced to addition and subtraction. The children are working within numbers 1-20, e.g. 15 + 4 = ?, 19 - 8 = ? etc. 


In English, year 1 are working on using their phonics to write in simple sentences with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

In Autumn we looked at superhero stories. The children were very interested in the story of Superworm and they were able to act out the story in the role play area! Check out the role play pictures below.


Currently, we are looking at traditional tales and we are retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. If you have any traditional/fairy tale stories at home, please share them with your child - We would love to hear about them!

Close to Remembrance Day, we were lucky to welcome Eddy, a local hero! He showed us all his medals and spoke about the significance of the poppy. Then, we wrote about it the following day in our English books. 



Phonics is a HUGE part of the Year 1 curriculum. Children across the country are tested at the end of the year on their ability to segment and blend words. At St Thomas of Canterbury, we have chosen to follow the accredited 'Letters and Sounds' in order to teach Phonics, high frequency and common exception words (tricky words) and early reading. The 'Letters and Sounds' programme is split into 6 phases: 


Phase 1 is introduced in Nursery

Phase 2 and 3 are introduced in Reception

Phase 4 and 5 are introduced in Year 1 

Phase 6 is introduced in Year 2


In year 1 your child will be taught phonics every day. Alongside the teaching of phonics, every child will be provided with daily opportunities to apply their phonic knowledge and skills in reading, English and spelling lessons.


Here is a document which you might find helpful if you would like to support your child with their phonics:

Our class author this year is Julia Donaldson. We are very lucky to have a wide range of Julia's books in school, and so far we have had the chance to read the following: 



Zog and the Flying Doctors

What the Ladybird Heard

What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday

What the Ladybird Heard Next

The Gruffalo 

The Gruffalo's Child


The Snail and the Whale

The Paper Dolls

Tyrannosaurus Drip 

The Troll

The Singing Mermaid

The Princess and the Wizard

The Highway Rat


But there are many more for your children to enjoy in the school library or at the local Broughton Hub, where many of the children can join for free!


How can I help my child in Year 1?


Carry on reading! 


Reading at home with your child is so important. It helps them to develop their learning in lots of areas. Your child will receive two new books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You may not always have time to read the whole book (we understand home life is busy) but just a few pages a day can increase their confidence and get them into the routine of practising and applying their phonic knowledge. Sometimes parents say 'my child wanted to read a book from home'. As long as they are reading, that’s fantastic! Most children this age really love to read both new and familiar stories. Don't forget to read stories to your child as well!


Keep everyday learning light


Otherwise, try to keep any home learning light, and don’t push it if they seem tired or reluctant. School is exhausting for a child in Year 1. They are learning so many new things at school, and may well also be starting to join activities after school as well, such as swimming or gymnastics. If you do want to do more than reading and spellings, ask your child to retell a story, count out the cutlery for dinner, or clothes in the washing pile. Disguise the learning. They won’t want to sit at a table and focus quietly after such a busy day. Remember, your child is only 5 or 6 and still so young!

Spelling is mostly taught everyday in our phonics lessons. However, your child will receive a weekly spelling list which they will be tested on after the weekend. The spelling lists are in line with your child's phonics level so they will have already been learning those sounds in school that week. 

In Science, the children in 1S have recently been learning about animals including humans. We were very fortunate to have some lively visitors in school, ranging from a hedgehog to a snake! Take a look at the pictures below and glance at our Science knowledge organiser below to see what your child has learnt so far this term. 

In Autumn 1, we were learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and our role play area was magically transformed into a hospital. 

We learnt about the lives of the two nurses and how different hospitals were in the past - we looked at the conditions in the hospitals, how uniforms have changed and the kinds of medicines and treatments used by 'The Lady of the Lamp' and 'Mother Seacole'. Take a look at our Knowledge Organiser to see what we have learnt in this topic. 


In Spring 1, we will be learning about Castles - check back soon for more updates. In the meantime, look at our wonderful role play designed by Ms Jedrach that all the children will be able to explore and learn in!

On January 17th, Year 1S went to Clitheroe Castle for the day. The rain didn't dampen our spirits and we all had a wonderful, relaxing day learning about Motte and Bailey castles. Take a look at all the wonderful pictures from our day out below. 

In Autumn 2, we learnt about the 7 continents and 5 oceans. The children loved learning songs to help them remember the different names. Take a look at our knowledge organiser below which outlines the key knowledge your child has learnt in this topic. See also the links to the YouTube videos of the very catchy songs your child has been learning and our beautiful collaborative display which is outside our classroom on the corridor!

Five Oceans Song

St Thomas is not responsible for any adverts so please check the link before showing your child.
A song to help kids learn the 5 oceans in order from largest to smallest.

Seven Continents Song

St Thomas is not responsible for any adverts so please check the link before showing your child.
A song to help kids learn the 7 continents in order from largest to smallest.

The children in 1S have been working with Mrs Fowler throughout the year on many different musical topics linked to the wider curriculum. One of the greatest musical achievements so far was the year 1 nativity which you can see in the photos and video below and under "Christmas". On behalf of 1S, I would like to thank Mrs Fowler and the other year 1 staff who arranged the whole nativity, and also the parents who attended and supported their children with learning their lines and gave lots of moral support! And of course, the children themselves, who couldn't have done a better job!

Nativity 2019

In Autumn 2, we designed, improved and evaluated some cookies in Design and Technology! We got to decorate them with some glitter and sprinkles just in time for Christmas. 





In Autumn 1, we looked at the work of the artist Richard Long. Long is a sculptor and land artist who often uses his hands to print onto large canvases. We had a go at printing in lots of different ways first (with potatoes, foam, bubble wrap, leaves and our hands) and decided that printing with our hands was the most fun and messy way to do it! Check out our final piece and the artwork which inspired us below: 

In Autumn 1, we explored family and belonging. We spoke about who is in our family and who is in the church family. Approaching Christmas, we started to look at advent and we changed our prayer table to the Nativity Scene and we used puppets to role play the Christmas story, as well as performing our Nativity. 




Year 1 held a 'Guess The Baby Competition' using photos of the teachers in St Thomas of Canterbury. Thank you to everyone who had a go, we raised over £150! The children from year one bought some water and some footballs with this money. 

In Autumn term, our PE lessons were led by the coaches from Manchester United who taught us how to pass, tackle and score like Fred, Maguire and Rashford! We also did our own 'Minibeasts' dance to link with Science.


In Spring Term, we are very fortunate to have Mr Thompson, the sports coach, with us every Friday morning. On Mondays we are doing Gymnastics.


Check out some of the pictures from our PE lessons below.

In Autumn, we looked at rules and we created our own class rules to follow throughout the year. Year one came up with lots of brilliant ideas. 


In Spring, we have started looking at money and the value of money. We looked at where money comes from, how we can keep it safe and discussed the difference between needs and wants. 

In the run up to Christmas, we had a lot of fun doing many Christmassy activities. We practised the nativity, made lots of Christmas crafts and even made Christmas biscuits!


Check out the pictures below to see what we were getting up to! 

Nativity 2019
