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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

Together with God we reach for the stars

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Year 4


Bonjour et bienvenue

 to Year 4's page! 



Year 4's Gospel Values are;

Compassion, kindness, service of neighbour

Simplicity, non-attachment to wealth


Mrs Williamson, Miss Platt and Mrs Williams will be keeping you up to date with our learning in Year Four.

On this page, you will discover; what books we are exploring, what era we are travelling back to in history, how science is blowing our minds, how we are learning to become accomplished artists and much much more. 


If you need to contact the teachers, please ring the office to arrange an appointment or email the class teachers @


Mrs Williamson (4W) -

Miss Platt (4P) -

Home learning

  • Reading books will be given out weekly from the week beginning 21/9/20. More information about this is in the letter posted above. 
  • Times tables - these are extremely important in Year Four, as in July the children will be sitting the government's 'Multiplication tables check'. This is because the expectation by the end of Year 4, is that the children know all of the multiplication facts to 12X12. Please practise as much as possible at home with your children. There are some links below that the children can use. The children's TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) logins are also up and running again. 

Science - Electricity. Exploring circuits.

Autumn 2 topics


Science - Electricity


R.E -  Baptism 'What does it mean to be called and chosen?'

         Advent 'What's so special about gifts?'


PE - Problem solving and inventing games 


PSHE - 'How can we be a good friend?'


Geography - How can we divide the world up?


French - Hobbies



Art Days. Sketching and Painting inspired by Suzanne Valadon


Our class novel



This term, to link to our history topic, we are reading a fictional novel that is based on the Ancient Egyptians. Ka, the time travelling cat, returns to Ancient Egypt and is to be sacrificed by an Egyptian Goddess. Will Topher save him in time? What problems will he encounter on his journey?

English and Maths


Autumn 1


In English, we are currently recapping the different types of sentences and what they need to contain. (Simple, Compound and Complex). We are using these sentences in character and setting descriptions based on our class novel.


In maths, we are enhancing the place value work the children did in Year 3 and are now looking at the place value of 4 digit numbers up to 10,000.

Autumn 1 topics

Religious Education - Big question: Where do I come from?


Science - States of Matter


History - Ancient Egyptians

PSHE - What is Diversity?


P.E - Net and wall games


French - All about me 

