Nursery Richardson
Nursery R
Welcome to the Nursery R class page. We hope you will visit regularly to keep up to date with all the learning we are doing in school and how you can help us at home! You will be able to see photos and videos of all the things we get up to, so you can talk about them at home with us and help us to make links with our learning.
There are lots of different topics to look forward to over the year. We will be learning all about the weather, looking at different clothes for the changing temperatures, transport, pirates and princesses, houses and homes, pets and life on the farm. Let us know if your child has any particular interests and we can incorporate them into our topics.
Autumn 2
Mrs Richardson has loved becoming part of the class, getting to know all the children and meeting the parents. We have had a fun filled half term and as well as learning lots of new things, we have remembered the class routines and Golden Rules that we learnt last term. We are continuing to make friends and are becoming very independent with our self help skills, really trying to put on our own wellies and wet weather suits, now the rain is a regular feature in our outdoor play! Continue the good work you are doing at home allowing us to be independent – washing our hands, eating with a knife and fork and putting on our own coats.
Our Golden Rules
We have loved learning all about food this half term and our cooking money has gone towards tasting different types of food and making our own pizzas! We started the topic looking at The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We tasted all the food he ate and discussed which were healthy options and which were treats we could enjoy once and a while. We talked about the taste, texture and smell of the foods and if we liked them or not. One of our favourites was ice-cream and strawberries. We used the story to sequence and then act it out-we were all very convincing hungry caterpillars. Have a look at our wall display in class to see how we linked it to different areas of learning such as numeracy, physical development, knowledge and understanding of the world and communication and language.
Handa’s surprise really helped us to improve our sequencing skills as we had to remember which cheeky animal took which of Handa’s fruit from her basket and in what order! We tasted all the different fruit and took it in turns to be Handa and the animals.
Our favourite part of our food topic was definitely our role play pizza shop! We loved acting out roles of the waiter, chef, delivery person and cashier. We wore aprons and chefs hats and wrote down the orders on little note pads. We love to make marks on labels, notepads, post-its and stickers. Together, we wrote a shopping list for Mrs Richardson so she knew the differnet toppings we wanted to make our own pizzas. Making the pizzas was a great speaking and listening activity and we passed the ingredients round, waiting our turn. See the link for our favourite pizza song!
Our Pizza Role Play
We made our own pizza!
December 2016
Now Christmas is quickly approaching, we have been busy getting our classroom ready for the celebrations. We have had a special visitor in our class - Eddie the elf was sent by Father Christmas as he wasn’t following the Golden Rules in the workshop, so he sent him to our class as he knew how well we were doing telling the truth, listening to the adults and our friends, being kind and gentle and looking after our toys. Eddie has hidden in a different place in our classroom every morning and we have been so excited to be the first in the door to see where he is.
Have a look at some of the ways Eddie wasn’t following the Golden rules...
Eddie was breaking our Golden Rules
As a thank you for us helping Eddie to do the right thing, Father Christmas asked him to get our classroom ready for Christmas. We must have done a good job as he brought us all the things from the list we helped Mrs Richardson to write, including a Christmas tree, decorations and lights. Father Christmas was so impressed that he even came to visit us and brought us all a book to share with you at home.
Our visit from Father Christmas
Over the last couple of weeks we have enjoyed getting creative and making lots of different Christmas crafts, experiencing different colours and textures. We have been busy in our Christmas home corner getting presents wrapped using old cardboard boxes and wrapping paper and working as a team to cut the sticky tape!
We enjoyed sharing Christmas dinner together, reading Christmas stories together and most of all, our visit from Louby Lou! She showed us some magic tricks, we had a singing competition and we all closed our eyes and wished for snow...and our wish came true!
Louby Lou
Mrs Richardson, Miss Wright, Mrs Mesjasz and Miss Murray wish you all a happy and holy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all back next year when we will be learning about weather and different seasons. Here is a great song to share with us at home – ask us to show you the actions. You can help us by talking about the weather daily and discussing the different clothes we would need for different weathers. Allow us time to dress ourselves and choose what clothes we need.
Spring Term
Our favourite weather songs
Lots to celebrate!
We have been busy with lots of celebrations this term. For Chinese New Year, we were so lucky that Oscar's mummy brought in a dragon costume and a tradition Chinese outfit for us to try on. We had so much fun banging the drum and parading round our classroom to Chinese music like we were at a Chinese festival. We learnt all about the year of the rooster, we made red envelopes and Oscar's mummy treated us all to a fortune cookie! They were delicious! The teacher brought us traditional Chinese food to eat, the chopsticks were really tricky to use!