SCC School Attendance Guidance in other Languages
Is it compulsory for my child to attend school from September? Yes; from the start of the next academic year in September, it is compulsory for children of all school years to attend.
How safe will it be?
Our schools can provide a well managed environment, to reduce the risk of infection. Public Health England is clear that if settings do this, the risk of transmission will be lowered.
These measures include:
●changes in pick up and drop off arrangements, improved signage and one-waymovement systems;
●ensuring those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in theirhousehold who does, do not attend;
●washing hands more often than usual;
●promoting good hygiene around sneezing/ coughing into tissue, which is then put inbin
●cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
●changes to classroom layout and timetables to reduce contact;
●regular deep-cleaning;
●grouping pupils in a ‘bubble’ designed to help with infection control.
How will my child travel to school? Due to social distancing, the capacity of public transport and school bus services may be reduced. We would encourage alternative means of transport (walk, cycle, car), where possible, to ensure there are places on public transport for those children who have no other options.
Dear Parents/Carers,
From September the Government have made it mandatory for all children to return to school and therefore the school Attendance policy will resume. All children will be expected to attend school unless there is written medical evidence/advice from a GP or other medical practitioner. If your child is unable to return due to illness, please report the absence before 9.00am on the first day of absence to the school office in the usual way.