Year 1 Carlton
If you have any specific curriculum questions or help, support and guidance during this period, please does not hesitate to send an email to the following address:
I will be checking this email on a daily basis.It would also be fantastic to hear all about your home learning experiences, so please also share any pictures or videos with me using the email address.
Welcome to Year 1C
Teacher: Miss Carlton
Teaching Assistants: Miss Cahill and Miss Smart
Clitheroe Castle
On Tuesday 14th January 1C went to Clitheroe Castle in Lancashire. The educational trip was to support the learning of our new History topic 'Castles'. During the day, the children walked around the castle with a guide, looked at medieval armour, built motte and bailey castles using sand and sticks and learned all about the different types of dragons you might see! We had a fantastic time and learned lots of great things.
Year 1 held a 'Guess The Baby Competition' using the teachers of STOC's baby photos. Thank you to everyone who had a go, we managed to raise £151.25!!! With this money, the children of Year 1 decided to buy some water for those in need and some chickens.
Thank you to the parents and carers of Year 1 for coming to watch the children in their nativity. I am sure you will agree it was fantastic. Lots of hard work and practice went into the show. Well done Year 1. Watch the video below.
In PSHE we are looking at money. So far, we have had some interesting discussions using the following question prompts:
Where does money come from?
Where is the best place to keep money safe?
Why do we need money?
How is money made.
We have had a lot of great (and funny) answers! In Year 1, the children need to recognise the coins and notes as well as understanding their worth. Please support your child with this at home or in the shops when you are shopping. The children in Year 1 are very curious about money!
How can I help my child in Year 1 with their reading?
Carry on reading
Reading at home with your child is so important. It helps them to develop their learning in lots of areas. Your child will receive two new books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
You may not always have time to read the whole book (we understand home life is busy) but just a few pages a day can increase their confidence and get them into the routine of practising and applying their phonic knowledge. Sometimes parents say 'Oh my child wanted to read a book from home'. As long as they are reading, that’s fantastic. Most children this age really love to read new and familiar stories. Don't forget to read stories to your child as well!
Keep everyday learning light
Otherwise, try to keep any home learning light, and don’t push it if they seem tired or reluctant. School is exhausting for a child in Year 1. They are learning so many new things at school, and may well also be starting to join activities after school as well, such as swimming or gymnastics. If you do want to do more than reading and spellings, ask your child to to retell a story, count out the cutlery for dinner, or clothes in the washing pile Disguise the learning. They won’t want to sit at a table and focus quietly after such a busy day. Remember, your child is only 5 or 6 and still so young.
Our class author is Julia Donaldson. The children are thoroughly enjoying listening to and reading lots of her books. We have been able to produce some fantastic writing based on her books.
Please read the following document to support your child's phonics learning in Year 1.
Art Days
During our two day art days we studied the work of artist Richard Long. Sir Richard Julian Long, CBE, RA is an English sculptor and one of the best-known British land artists. Long is the only artist to have been short-listed four times for the Turner Prize. He was nominated in 1984, 1987 and 1988, and then won the award in 1989 for White Water Line.
We were inspired by his mud painting and created a piece of art by using different ways of printing our hands. Fitting in with out autumn theme we used autumn colours.