Year 2 Stephens
Welcome to 2S!
As we approach the final term of the school year, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you how impressed I am with the progress the children have made. We have been using our learning powers to make sure we are always improving. I’m sure as we enter the summer term, the children will continue to remain focused and hardworking to ensure they are ready for the move to KS2!
The children have made wonderful progress with their writing skills. Most of the class are using all 4 sentence types in their writing, as well as including contractions, expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and complex sentences! We are currently working on securing these skills and practising our joins in handwriting so we are ready for Year 3. We have used many different stories so far as our stimulus for writing. The children have particular enjoyed reading The Tunnel and Mr Gum.
During book talk we have been enjoying several different stories by Roald Dahl. The children have loved escaping to the world of The Witches and held their breath whilst waiting to find out what George's Marvellous Medicine will do next! Reading every night with your child will have a positive impact on their development as readers and writers. Our school library is available to the children every lunch time and after school.

We have been very busy mathematicians! We have covered addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and 2D and 3D shapes. We are currently focusing on money and fractions. The children have loved exploring money by making each given note and coin in as many different ways as they can. We have also enjoyed making our own clocks to help us with telling the time.
In Year 2, we need to know the time to 5 minutes. Time is a very difficult concept to grasp, so this needs to be practised as much as possible at home as well as in school.
In Year 2, the children are expected to be able to recall their 2, 5 and 10 timetables. Please practise these at home as often as you can. The children are tested every Friday on these multiplication facts and are expected to improve each week.
Last week the children took part in a history workshop to develop their chronology skills. Professor John helped us understand that periods of time fit into certain 'boxes'. We built a human timeline adding actions to help us remember each period. The children gained so much from the lesson and have can't wait to carry on learning about the importance of the past!
Video of the lesson coming soon!
The children have been working with Mrs Fowler every Tuesday in music. So far they have composed a piece of music about fireworks and completed some fantastic songs. Below is a song about our geography topic of space. Keep an eye out for the two conductors! Also included is the children’s wonderful rendition of 'Manchester' a song all about being proud to come from our fantastic city!
Our Trip to Rock Over Climbing
We recently had the opportunity to visit our local rock climbing centre. The children and I had a fabulous afternoon climbing the walls (seriously). I was very impressed with the bravery, skill and determination all the children demonstrated. Several children told me they would be returning to the centre. I may just see you there! Check out the pictures below, you won't believe how high some of the children managed to climb!
Broughton Firefighters Visit Year 2!
What a wonderful way to end our first half term! As part of our history topic, the children have compared fire fighting in 1666 to the modern day. So the team at Broughton Fire Station came to answer some questions, tell us all about fire safety and show us some of the equipment they use to help put fires out. The children gained so much from the visit (they seemed especially engaged- with laughter- when I was asked to model the protective clothing!) and were all thrilled to have a go at using the fire hose, as you can see from some of the smiles below! A big thank you to Tony and the team for the taking the time out to pay us a visit!