Year 1
Mrs Clifford & Miss Power
Y1C Mrs Clifford's Class
Y1P Miss Power’s Class
Phonics/Reading Support in Year 1
Year 1 in action…
On Monday 22nd July, our school had a football fun day! Here we are having lots of fun...

Penalty shoot out...

Football skills...

Dribbling the ball...

Football crafts...

We have been learning about Buddhism in year 1C. Wesak is the Buddha’s birthday. It is celebrated on the full moon in May and is the most important Buddhist festival. It is celebrated in lots of different ways. They hang Wesak lanterns along streets and in front of homes. They signify the light of the Buddha. We made our own Wesak lanterns...
Year 1 celebrated their achievements in assembly this morning 🏆 Well Done 🏆
What an amazing year we’ve had!
Year 1 have designed, made and evaluated a fruit salad. We looked at where a range of fruit and vegetables comes from and how to prepare an ‘eat well plate’ as part of a balanced diet. We practised lots of skills as we made our yummy fruit salads. We tried cutting, slicing, squeezing, grating and peeling. Ask us about the bridge method and claw method when slicing! We enjoyed eating our delicious fruit salads 🍓🍇🍎🍋🍊🍌🍏🥝
We did it AGAIN! Year 1C achieved the highest attendance in EY/KS1 for the second week running 🏆 97.3% 🍫
Year 1 have enjoyed learning about the difference between deciduous and evergreen leaves. We now know that many evergreen leaves are long, thin, can be shiny/waxy and some are spiky like a holly leaf. Can you remember the names of any evergreen and deciduous trees?

We did it again! Year 1C achieved 96.7% attendance last week- the highest in EYFS and KS1 🏆🍫
Both classes joined together for PE today, to practice our sports day races!🎾🏸🏃♂️🏃♀️

On Thursday 20th June, we had a ‘Fun Day’ for all children, to continue the celebration of our ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted result earlier in the year. We had lots of surprise activities throughout the day! These included Dinos Teach Rex, Dino Puppets, Magic Bubbles, Bouncy Castles & Slides and lots of other creative activities in class!
Bouncy castles, slides & outdoor fun...

Bubble painting...

Creative activities...

Our latest Traffic Light Treat winners 🚦👏🏽

Trees, trees and more trees! Y1C enjoyed exploring the school grounds today, looking at the deciduous and evergreen trees. Can you remember the names of the different parts of a tree?

We recognise trees all around us! Ask us about the trees outside our classroom...
Happy Father’s Day! ♥️
Well done to those children that received their golden pencil in today’s assembly! ✏️
Year 1C created portraits in the style of Picasso’s ‘Golden Muse’

Year 1C did it again! 99.7% attendance for last week. The best in EY and KS1 🏆
Year 1 have been looking closely at different flowering plants, naming the different parts. Can you tell your grown-up about the importance of the roots and stem? The children loved planting their own sunflower seeds to take care of at home.

Y1 enjoyed planting their sunflower seeds!

We created a block graph for Year 1C’s favourite crisps. Our block graph has a title, two axes, labels, and a scale. We took it in turns to add our crisp flavour to the graph.
Year 1C enjoy reading for pleasure! 📚📚

We created a block graph for Year 1P’s favourite fruits. Our block graph has a title, two axes, labels, and a scale. We took it in turns to add our favourite fruit to the graph.
Our latest Traffic Light Treat winners.🚦 👏🏾
In science we have been discussing the similarities and differences in the appearance of flowering plants. Take a look at the different ways we sorted them. 🔎🌻🌷1C


Art in 1C, inspired by Pablo Picasso 🤩

1C spent the afternoon looking at a variety of garden plants that Mrs Lomas kindly brought in for us. We observed the different parts of the plants closely using magnifying glasses and drew one of the plants. We definitely have some budding artists in Y1!

Some of our fantastic garden plant drawings ⭐👏🏾
Y1 enjoyed selecting their 5 books at the book fair this morning, organised by the Wood Street Mission. We hope you enjoy reading your new books! 📖🐛
Our most recent Traffic Light Treat winners. Keep going for green Y1! 🚦 📚🐛

Y1C had a fantastic day at Clitheroe Castle! 🏤 The sun shone for us too- bonus! 🌞
Fun at Clitheroe Castle!
Happy Easter 🐣
Well done to all those children that achieved 100% attendance this half term! 🍫🏆
Take a look at 1P’s playground structures!

Y1 are scientists! We carried out an investigation to see which material is best to keep our hands dry. Can you tell your grown-ups which materials absorb water and which materials are waterproof? 💧💧💧

Take a look at 1C's super structures! 🤩

This week in science we have been exploring 'waterproof' and 'absorbent' materials. Great work Y1!

Can you tell your grown-ups which materials were waterproof and which were absorbent?
Check out our throwing and catching skills in Games this week...

We have been recognising coins and their values in maths.

In science we have enjoyed exploring materials and their properties. We worked together to name the materials from the given clues. Great work Y1! 👏

Happy Mother’s Day to all our lovely Mums 💕 We hope you love your personalised cards that we made for you! Relax, take time for yourself and enjoy your special day 💕
This half term, reading tokens have been given to children who are good reading role models. These children might ask good questions, get stuck into reading for pleasure, or be a good reading ambassador in their class. The tokens were placed into a raffle and drawn in assembly. Well done to our winners! We hope you enjoy them at home.
Well done to those children that received their golden pencil today!
During PSHE, we discussed why taking care of our dental health is important and how we take care of our teeth. In pairs, we sequenced instructions of how to brush our teeth properly and with care.
📚World Book Day. Y1 enjoyed being illustrators, designing book covers for our whole school stories!✏️🌟
Y1C enjoyed their Materials Hunt this afternoon. They used some super scientific words to describe the different materials they spotted. Great work! 👏
In maths Y1 have been learning about subtraction. First we used straws and drew pictures of straws to help us solve our calculations. Then we moved onto the 'First, Then, Now' problems below. Some of us even had a go at drawing our own subtraction problems. Great work Year 1!
Well done to our most recent Traffic Light Treat winners for reading 5+ times at home each week! 📖🐛 🤩 👏

Well done 1C for reclaiming the attendance trophy, with an amazing 98% attendance last week! Hope you enjoyed your chocolate 😋
Y1 enjoyed a well-deserved fun day to celebrate our school's OUTSTANDING Ofsted grading! 🥳🤩
We have been using scientific words to describe different objects. We learnt new words, such as 'opaque', 'transparent' and 'rigid'. Can you tell your grown-ups what these words mean?
We have been identifying and describing the physical properties of a selection of materials. Let’s play a game...

We recognised that the same type object can be made using different materials...

In art, we have been studying Wassily Kandinsky. We have studied his art work, had a go at creating different tones by adding black or white to a colour, recognised the three primary colours, mixed two of them together to create a secondary colour and looked at Kandinsky’s style when painting! Today we started to create our final piece in the style of Wassily Kandinsky.

Year 1C did it again! Last week, we achieved 97% attendance! The best in EY and KS1 🏆🍫
In maths we have been exploring odd and even numbers. We noticed that even numbers can be grouped in twos, but odd numbers there is always one left over!

31.01.24 - 1C enjoyed drawing equal sets in Mastering Number today!
🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat winners for their excellent home reading. Enjoy your new books!

In science, 1P have been exploring materials. We recognised that most objects are made from more than one material...
1C exploring objects around the classroom, and identifying the materials from which they are made...

w.c 29th January- This week we are exploring number patterns in maths. 1C enjoyed working together to create their own number patterns.
Take a look at our number patterns...

Before Christmas, children had the opportunity to enter a poetry competition. They were asked to create a short paragraph about a Super Pet. All entries were sent off and this week they announced the winners! WINNERS-if you would like your poem to be published, you must return your consent forms! Well done to everyone that took part! If you were not successful this time, please don’t give up! There is currently a new competition you can enter called The Poetry Bus! Entry forms are available in the library. If you would like further information please visit
Well done to our first 6 Traffic Light Treat Winners of 2024!

In science, we have been investigating which paper is most suitable for painting on, mopping up water or writing on. We tested kitchen paper, drawing paper, greaseproof paper, tissue paper and wrapping paper.

1C loved visiting Broughton Hub library this morning. Please try to visit the library over the coming weeks, with your grown-ups, to return your book and borrow new ones!
Library Visit
We love to read!

Year 1 have been studying Wassily Kandinsky in art. Today, we explored making secondary colours by mixing two primary colours together. We also practised shades. To make a colour lighter we add white and to make a colour darker we add black.

Year 1C are rocking and rolling in PE!
Can you guess which traditional tale we've been reading in Year 1?!
Great teamwork to sequence the story of Little Red Riding Hood! 🌟

Our new science topic is 'Materials'. We have learnt the different between an object and a material and enjoyed sorting different objects, according to the material they are made from.
We have been learning about 2D shapes. So far, we can recognise circles, squares, triangles and oblongs! We went on a shape hunt around school.
Year 1P have been exploring materials! We looked for objects made from wood, metal and plastic!

We have also been exploring objects made from materials of glass, rock/brick, fabric and water. We learnt some new words today. Ask us what ‘transparent’ and ‘opaque’ means.
Year 1C did it again! The week before the holidays, we achieved 99% attendance! The best in EY and KS1 🏆
Year 1C had lots of fun, enjoying the end of half term, with a Christmas party! Thank you to all parents and carers for your kindness and generosity! We had such a fun day!
We played lots of party games! Pass the parcel, music bumps, musical statues and enjoyed lots of dancing!
Some special visitors came and brought us each a chocolate bar 🎅🏼🍫

Well done to the following children for achieving 100% attendance this term!
Year 1C designed, made and evaluated a moving Christmas card in Design Technology!
We chose to create a stable with a moving star and Angel!
We chose to create a snowman with a moving carrot nose!
We chose to create a chimney with Father Christmas moving up and down!
🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners, for their excellent home reading. Enjoy your new books! 📚

Year 1P’s Seasons Calendars
Year 1C created calendars of the four seasons
Jesus is the light of the world!
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to watch our nativity.🎄 I am sure you will all agree that the children were FANTASTIC! 🤩





Christmas stay and play
Christmas jumper day in Year 1C!
Happy 1st December from Year 1C!
We have been ordering numbers from 1-100 in Year 1C!

Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat winners, for excellent reading at home! Enjoy your new books!

Animal Handling Workshop

Animal Handling Workshop 1C
In PSHE, our topic is money. Today, we discussed things we need and things we want. We recognised that things we have asked Santa for, are things we want, because they make us feel happy. Things we need are shelter, water, food and clothing. We need these things to survive. We sorted photo objects into two piles of ‘wants’ and ‘needs’.

Y1 visit our school library on Monday lunchtimes and Thursday afternoons. We love our library visits!
In Geography, Y1C are learning about the seven continents. We identified each continent by its shape and size and then labelled them. We used an atlas to help us create our very own world map!

Year 1P enjoy continuing their learning at home! In Science, we have been learning about autumn and reptiles! K says, “Reptiles have dry, scaly skin. They lay eggs. They are cold blooded!” L says, “Leaves fall off the trees in autumn! The leaves are yellow and brown. They are crispy!”

On Friday 17th November, Year 1 celebrated friendship week! We went on a ‘Friendship March’ around the playground. We recognised that we need to make time for one another, listen to one another and have fun! We discussed our friends' qualities and enjoyed singing ‘You’ve got a friend in me’
You’ve got a friend in me...

This week is ‘Friendship Week’. Year 1C discussed why it is important to have friends, be a good friend and the qualities of the friends we each have. We sang a friendship song and created friendship clouds. In pairs, we recognised five good qualities of our friends and shared them. Year 1 always have good friends in one another!

We used our body parts when we sang ‘Get Going’ in music today!

We then played instruments to the pulse!

Year 1C enjoyed printing in the style of Richard Long...

Y1C exploring numbers 51-100
In Science, we have now learnt about the five animal groups: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians! Let’s play a game with Year 1P! What am I?

What am I?

What am I?

Year 1P have been exploring numbers 51-100...
Third week running! Year 1C are on a roll! Best attendance in EY and KS1 for last week! An amazing 98% 🏆
On Friday 10th November, we celebrated Remembrance Day. We held a two minute silence, at 11am, to remember the millions who died at war. We recognised that poppies are worn on Remembrance Day because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the First World War. We use Remembrance Day to remember all those who fought for their country, those who died and those who came home.

In science we have now learnt about the five animal groups: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. We have been working like real scientists to classify animals!
Working together to classify the animals...
We have been making numbers 21-50 in lots of different ways. Some of us even had a go at drawing them. Great work Y1!
Well done to Year 1's Traffic Light Treat winners, for reading at home 5+ times last week!

Year 1C did it again! Highest attendance in EYFS+KS1, for the week before half term! 🏆 97.5%
Year 1C performed a new song today called ‘Get Going’

Baptism is the first sacrament. We role-played the church family welcoming a baby arriving for baptism. The church family gathers to welcome the new baby.

During dance, Year 1C created shapes using streamers!
In music, Year 1C used instruments to create our big band song.

Year 1P also enjoyed sorting animals into two groups of reptiles and amphibians, remembering that amphibians have moist skin and reptiles have dry scaly skin.
Year 1P enjoyed sorting animals into groups! So far, we can identify the features of mammals, birds and fish!
1P enjoyed walking around our school grounds, spotting signs of Autumn!
Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat winners, for their excellent home-reading! Enjoy your new books.

Year 1 have been practising making teen numbers (11-19) today, by first making their number on tens frames and then combining ten ones to make a ten stick. Great work!
1C enjoyed looking for signs of autumn...
1P loved using their sense of smell to guess the different foods!
1C were jumping for joy in assembly this morning, as they won best attendance in EYFS/KS1! An amazing 99.7% attendance last week :)
Year 1C-We explored different instruments during today's music lesson! We each had a turn at playing the triangle, wood block, shaker and tambourine! Watch out for our final piece that we have been working on!
1C loved using their sense of smell to guess the different foods. They used a variety of words to describe what they could smell.
1P had fun tasting different foods! We used words to describe how they taste. Surprisingly, lots of us enjoyed the sour lemon :)
National Poetry Day 05.10.23
What a treat we had today, listening to a local writer, Elayne Ogbeta, share some of her wonderful poems with us. We all listened beautifully and really enjoyed her poem called ‘Before I Go To School,’ an upside down poem, which was very funny! Elayne explained that she often uses her senses to gather ideas for her poetry. We were able to tell Elayne each of the five senses, recalling our learning in science! (see video below)
What a lovely morning!
National Poetry Day!
National Poetry Day

Exploring balancing and rolling in Year 1C!
In Maths, we have been exploring 'teen' numbers (11-19) and representing them in ones only, and then tens and ones.
Brilliant spelling and handwriting in phonics today 1C!
1C had fun tasting different foods and were great at using words to describe how they taste.
We drew food items and labelled them to describe how they taste. Great work Y1!
🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners! Enjoy your brand-new books 🚦

Year 1P like to sing, to help us remember our five senses!

1P exploring their sense of touch...
During golden time, Year 1C like to share, listen to one another, take turns and show good team work!
Year 1C shared ideas of how we can stay safe online! Take Smartie the Penguins advice to make the right decision!

Archaeologist Visit
Archaeologists, Jade and Natalie, came to talk to Year 1 today, about their job and what it entails. They showed us some of the things that were discovered at Mamucium, a former Roman fort in the Castlefield area of Manchester. The children showed great interest- I think there may be some budding archaeologists in Year 1!
Year 1C shared the story of the Prodigal Son and recognised that God forgives all who are sorry!
1C completing tasks without their sense of sight...

1C exploring their sense of touch with Miss Higson...
Well done to the first Traffic Light Treat winners in Y1! Enjoy your brand new books- they are yours to keep!
Everyday in Year 1 we practise our letter formation...

1C enjoyed using a variety of scientific words to describe how things feel to touch...
Year 1P used our eyes for our sense of sight! We wore a blindfold to write our names to see how important our sight is!
1C enjoyed a walk around our school grounds, spotting signs of Autumn, to remind us of our learning in Reception. We used our senses to explore our surroundings- we observed the wind pushing the leaves on the trees and we noticed that some of the leaves were starting to change colour! Lots of the leaves had also fallen onto the ground. Great work Year 1!
Autumn is here!

Signs of Autumn
Well Done Year 1C for achieving the highest attendance in EY/KS1 last week! An amazing 99.7%
Year 1P enjoyed creating some autumn crowns during golden time this afternoon!
Year 1C - We clapped, tapped, danced, stomped, walked and marched to the pulse.
Balancing, rocking and rolling in Year 1C!
Good morning from 1C!