Year 3 Platt
Welcome to the class page of 3P.
We will be updating this page regularly with information for parents and carers and activities for children.
Miss Platt, Miss Kinsley and Miss Carter
To begin our new science topic of 'Light' the children visited the Museum of Science and Industry today and watched a show called 'The Wonder of Light'. The children now know how light travels, that it can reflected and absorbed and also that it can travel through some objects but not others. Use the below link to explore light further.
'Wonder of Light' science show
Today we travelled back in time and spent the day living as Stone Age people would have lived, in Kersal Dale. We built our shelters from the resources around us. Picked wild garlic and used it to flavour a soup, made bread and even gutted and cooked a fish on the fire. After that we played hunting games sneaking up on our 'pray' (other children) like they would have done 10,000 years ago to catch their food.
Kersal Dale - Stone Age to Iron Age day
3P's and 3L's Stone Age Day
'Amazing bodies' The children are really beginning to understand what the different parts of the body do and why we need them. We began by learning about our bones and now know about the muscles too!
Spring 1
Such a busy and wonderful half term! The children have continued to progress in their maths and have all made wonderful progress in their times tables challenges. In English we have been using our class novel , Charlie and the Chocolate factory, to write character descriptions about the 'vile' children that enter the factory with Charlie Bucket.
We have been learning how to play tag rugby with our very own Sale Sharks coach and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. See pictures below from some of our sessions.
We have also visited Stoller Hall and got to see an orchestra perform! It was incredible and the children learnt all about the sections of the orchestra and the different instruments. See videos and pictures below.
Trip to Stoller Hall to watch the Orchestra
Stoller Hall - Orchestra
Orchestra - 2
It's been a busy week! We have been practising our climbing skills at Rock Over Climbing and have been learning how to sew by making puppets. Maybe we could help at home now! As well as all of this we performed the song we have been learning in music with Miss Fowler - 'Shining Star'
We have also published at sent out wonderful letters to Santa. Let's hope he thinks they are as brilliant as Miss Platt does.
Read all about it! We have published our newspaper articles all about the devastating volcanic eruption of 79AD. Come and see our display which is outside the classroom!
On Monday we visited Chester! From marching around the city walls to examining roman artefacts we had a fantastic day! See the videos and images below.
Friendship day balloon release
What a busy final week of half term! 3P have had a fantastically creative week. We began by visiting Pizza Express in the city centre. We learnt all about the origins of pizzas, how they are made and then we got to make our very own; carefully handling our dough, adding our tomato base and distributing the mouth watering mozzarella. Please see pictures below...
We also began our science topic – ‘How does your garden grow’ and began to look at the parts and functions of plants and leaves. We will conduct an investigation next half term.
To finish the week, we created our very own pieces of volcanic art to link to our writing about ‘Escape from Pompeii.’ We learnt how to use watercolours effectively and how to create an eruption effect by flicking (yes flicking) acrylic paint. See the explosive creative process below...
Pizza Express
Volcano paintings
Another busy and productive week in 3P! This week we have been focusing on Black History Month and have been learning a poem by Benjamin Zephaniah. Below is the poem and a video of the children performing it in this weeks Good News assembly - they were poetic superstars!
Everybody is Doing it
In the Punjab they Bhangra
How they dance Kathak in India
Over in Guatemala
They dance the sweet Marimba,
Even foxes dance a lot
They invented the Fox Trot,
In Australia it's true
They dance to the Didgeridoo.
In Kenya they Benga
They Highlife in Ghana
They dance Ballet all over
And Rai dance in Algeria,
They Jali in Mali
In Brazil they Samba
And the girls do Belly Dancing
In the northern parts of Africa.
Everybody does the Disco
From Baghdad to San Francisco
Many folk with razzamataz
Cannot help dancing to Jazz,
They do the Jig in Ireland
And it is really true
They still Morris dance in England
When they can find time to."
The children have also been performing through the art of mime and have been creating Roman movement performances, including everything from Testudos to building Roman roads. See video below.
Our class novel The Time Travelling Cat and the Roman Eagle is full of mystery and suspense as we follow the journey of a little boy called Topher and his time travelling cat Ka!
In maths, we are looking at the place value of 3 digit numbers and some of us are rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. Check out these games to support your knowledge!
In music we have been looking at crotches (cat) and quavers (monkey). Using these notations, we have been composing in partners.
We're half way through the first half term already! In English we have been learning about the devastating events in Pompeii through a book called 'Escape from Pompeii' and we are about to become journalists and write our very own newspaper report all about what happened.
Here is a time lapse video that takes us through the day Mount Vesuvius erupted -
In maths we have continued to look at place value and some of us are now rounding 3 digit numbers!
In P.E we have been acting and dancing - Roman style! Some of 3P make some extremely scary Romans. See a video below of some of the children performing their terrifying Roman Testuto...
Terrifying Testudo
What happens in Year 3?
Year 3 is an exciting year ... the first year in the juniors! Children will take on more responsibility and develop a more independent approach to their learning. This will be an ongoing process throughout the juniors and nurturing each child’s skills carefully (and at an appropriate pace) is a responsibility we take very seriously.
It is important that all children continue to read and discuss texts with an adult on a regular basis. Children should read for fifteen minutes every night. Reading records must be signed to confirm that daily reading has been done. If children have not read or forgotten to sign their reading record, they will be asked to catch up during lunch time with an adult.
Homework will be given on a Friday and due in on a Monday.
We are very excited about the year ahead. If you have any questions whatsoever, please do speak to myself (Miss Platt) or other adults within the classroom.