Year 2 Riley
to Year 2R's class page!
Here you will be able to see what we have been learning about, the adventures we've had and the achievements we've made. We try our best to improve each day and to make the world a happier place to be.
Once we have mastered our decoding skills and are able to read, we then become readers who do read. Reading is central to our learning, across the curriculum, and therefore we give it the utmost importance that it deserves. Children in Year 2R are expected to read with an adult everyday and practice the common exception words.
Within class, we are enjoying and exploring a range of texts:
Our class author is Roald Dahl. The children are reading and developing an understanding of the text 'Fantastic Mr Fox' during our book talk sessions. The children are developing their skills of predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising texts. 'The witches' is our class novel, where the children become immersed in the text, whilst being read to. Also, during our reading comprehension lessons, we are exploring the Carol Ann Duffy book, 'The Tear Thief', which is rich in language and a truly beautiful story. We have a variety of texts that we use to develop our reading skills, in our guided reading sessions, and we also love to use our well-stocked, class and school libraries.
Whilst reading, the children are identifying new words (Words of the Week) to learn and phrases they enjoy (Magpie Moments), that they can then use in their own writing.
Our new words that we have learnt so far are:
Nouns - (A noun is a word that gives the name of an object) - entrance.
Adjectives (An adjective is a word that describes a noun) - frantic, glum, courageous, plumpest, delicate, keen and murky.
Verbs (A verb is a word that tells us what is being done) - approach, abandon, receive, reply, plump, lurk, create, console, devastate, jeer, quiver and accuse.
Adverbs (An adverb is a word that describes how the verb is taking place or modifies an adjective) - franticly, incredibly and tenderly,
Our Magpie Moments are:
wild with rage, scent of danger, quivering with fear, panting for breath
Our writing purpose has grown organically from the text, 'The Rabbit Problem'.
On a cold, January morning, the rabbit woke up to find that he had been abandoned. Whilst reading the first page of the book, a letter (which took us by great surprise!), fell from it's pages. It was a letter from the lonely rabbit requesting our help. The children, unsurprisingly, jumped right to it and came up with a range of wonderful ideas of how to help.
To understand the rabbit's situation further, the children wrote a diary entry, in role as the lonely rabbit. They then investigated advertisements and created their own for the television, advertising for a friend for lonely rabbit.
Peruse our lonely rabbit adverts:
The following day, we received an interesting email from someone who had seen our adverts. They stated that they were looking for friends themselves and would pop by the school the next day! Much to the children's delight, the visitors were fluffy, soft and cuddly!
The rabbit wasn't lonely anymore. However winter had arrived and they were all cold. So, in D&T, we've been learning how to sew to make jumpers.
We had a visit from the local firemen - before they flew off to an emergency, with their lights and sirens blaring!
In science, we are learning about what is living, what has never lived and what once lived. We have also explored how plant-based food is grown.
Friendship Week
We composed our own prayer and shared it with the world...
Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving us so many people to be friends with and to be able to continue to meet and make new friends. Thank you for bringing us great pleasure through spending time with our friends. We will try our best to be a good friend to all the life on Earth.