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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

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Year 2 Stephens

Welcome to Year 2S

We have had a fantastic start to Autumn 2 in 2S! The children have come back after a well deserved break with a brilliant attitude towards their learning.  We have a busy few weeks ahead as we begin preparations for our nativity production ‘Baubles’.   All children have been sent home with a script, so please do encourage your child to learn their lines and spend some time rehearsing with them. Although this is an exciting time of year we must ensure the children remain focused on their learning.


So far this term our writing has been inspired by ‘Whiffy Wilson’ the smelly wolf who refused to take a bath! The children have written character descriptions, retold the story and designed wanted posters to try and track down this smelly wolf! We spent a lot of time editing and improving our work before we published our best version to display outside our classroom. 

We are currently working on a similar process as we write our own version of the story. Once we have finished, we plan on publishing our stories in our very own book! As a class we have been working very hard in our writing to make sure we can write in simple sentences, that make sense and are punctuated correctly. The children are aware of their own writing targets and we will continue to develop these this term.

In maths this term we are focusing on number.  During our maths lessons we will continue to work on number by representing numbers from 1-100 in numerals, words and pictures, exploring more than (>),  less than (<) and equals (=) as well as learning about estimating and rounding numbers to at least 100! As you can see below the children enjoy using lots of different maths resources including numicon, base ten and 100 squares to help them understand the value of numbers from 1-100. We will also continue our weekly maths challenge as the children try to move up the football pitch to reach the world cup! You can help them achieve this by providing plenty of opportunities at home for your child to practise there 2, 5 and 10 times tables which they must be able to recall by the end of year 2.

Year 2 are very lucky this term as our resident art teacher Mr Pickford is coming to work with us every Thursday.  The children will be creating art related to our topic of Dinosaurs. So far the children have designed and painted some terrifying Dinosaurs and made some super scary pop up cards! Keep checking our class page for updates of our art work.
