Year 2 Miss Dale
Welcome to Year 2D!
We hope you enjoy looking at all of the fantastic work we produce in class.
This page will also be updated regularly with information on our current topic, as well as any links to websites or documents that may be useful in supporting your child at home.
Our Visit to Blackpool!
Summer 2 Topic - The Seaside!
We have been so excited to begin our new topic after all of our hard work during the SATs. We have absolutely loved working in our new role-play area, it's like we're living under the sea (don't forget your goggles!). We've been making passports for sea creatures and drawing real and imaginary creatures.
In Literacy, we completed some fantastic work on Nocturnal animals after reading The Hodgeheg. We also wrote super character descriptions on the disgusting character of Mr Gum. We loved to hate his revolting ways! We're now in the middle of a poetry unit; we've been looking at lots of poet's work and we really love Micheal Rosen.
In Numeracy, we've been extending our knowledge of addition and subtraction, using lots of different strategies. We're whizzes at mental maths too - test us, we dare you!
In Topic lessons we've been combining History and Geography. We've started to look at what it was like to visit the seaside when our Grandparents were little. We've even dressed up in some very funny swimming costumes! Now, we're getting ready to go on our final visit in Year 2 - we're off the Blackpool to eperience the seaside today! We'll keep you posted about how we get on - you might even get to read our postcards!
Finally, in PE we've been really lucky to have a sports coach working with us. Mr Thompson has been working us hard on our footwork AND listening skills. Check out the photos below.
STEM Week - vehicle making
STEM Week - Car Making
We had such a good week creating movable vehicles in teams last week! We had to design a vehicle which travelled down a ramp in a striaght line, carried a teddy safely AND looked good! We were full of ideas about what our designs could look like; and after much discussion and voting, we decided on two ice cream vans, a world cup limo, a double decker tour bus, a party limo and a caravan!
We worked in teams all week and put into practise all we had learnt in Numeracy, Science and Literacy, and worked together to design, make and evaluate our vehicles. It took a lot of effort, and sometimes it seemed we'd never get there, but by Friday, all of our vehicles were completed!
We spent a very tense Friday afternoon in the hall in competition with Year 2L! Each team took it in turns to take their vehicle down the ramp, whilst the Year 6 engineers judged the designs. It was very exciting and everyone were good sports cheering each other on. We're still waiting for the results of who won - fingers crossed for 2D!
A Summer Update
We have been extremely busy this term in Year 2D, we worked fantastically hard during the SATs period and everyone tried their best. Have a look at these photos to see the hard work in action!
Continuing our hard work in gymnastics this Spring
A whole lot of measuring!
Parent's Evening - Thursday 3rd April
This is an opportunity for you to come into school and have an informal chat about your child's progress. If you would like to book a 5 minute appointment, please use the sign-up sheet which will be available from Monday 31st March, at the door where Year 2D enter school.
I look forward to meeting you then.
Miss Dale
World Book Day 2014!
Friday 28th February homework help - addition
We've had a very busy start to the new year...
What hard-working children we have in Year 2D! I have been very impressed with everyone's super attitude to learning so far this year and it is clear that all of the children's hard work is paying off.
We are well under-way with our current topic on the Great Fire of London and the children have embraced all aspects of the subject; from working in the Pudding Lane bakery to finding out all about the geography of London - then and now! I am very proud of all those children who took the time and effort to create their own Tudor houses at home. Thanks to all of the parents who lent a hand (pictures coming soon).
We have been looking at the author Anthony Browne this half term and the children have really enjoyed reading and discussing his stories. There is never a quiet moment during our 'Book Talk' sessions, where we look in detail at a part of, or a whole book. It's great to let the children take part in an animated discussion about reading. We have just completed a week of creating our own wishing stories based on the book 'Willy the Wizard'. The children did a great job and they are currently transforming their written stories into e-books on the Ipads.
After the holidays, we welcome back Mrs Peacock from her maternity leave. She will be working with focus groups of children in Year 2 and we look forward to welcoming her into our hard-working classes.
Please take a look at all of the activities the children have been doing recently, the children love to showcase their successes.
Thank you for your continued, valuable support at home. It truly makes a difference to the children's progress when they are reading at home every night and completing homework activities.
Enjoy the half term break!
Miss Dale, Miss Smart, Miss Thompson
Homemade Tudor houses!

Spring term so far
Library Relaunch!
Over the next few weeks, our fantastic library is being showcased in lots of different ways. This Monday (3rd February) it is the Year 2's turn to welcome parents and friends to look around our facilities. Staff will be on hand to welcome visitors and help children and parents choose suitable books. There will also be information on our new raffle ticket reading competition. And to top it off, there's refreshments too.
We look forward to seeing you!
Fire dancing!

Character Freeze-frames

Finding the difference homework help
Look at our footwork skills!

Using ramps in Science to complete our topic on forces

Parent's Help Sheet Spring 1 (Great Fire of London)
Merry Christmas from Year 2D!
The last few weeks of the Autumn term have been very hectic indeed! Not only have we been working extra hard in lessons, we've squeezed in rehersals for our nativity play, Prickly Hay too. Our grand performance is on Thursday 19th December at 9:30 am, and you are more than welcome to come and support us. As a treat for all of our hard work we're off to the pantomime on Thursday afternoon.
We've also been thinking about those who aren't as fortunate as us in other parts of the world. On Monday, we came to school in our pajamas, all in the aid of CAFOD. Even the adults came in their onesies! We all got some funny looks as we walked around school.
Have a look at all of the hard work we've been doing lately. We're not just super at writing you know, we're a dab hand with a needle and thread too! All of the staff in Year 2D have been extremely proud of the hard-working, sensible children we have the pleasure to teach. Keep it up!
We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year. See you in 2014!
We love Numeracy!
Please help your child practise the songs on the following link. We will be performing them in our Christmas play. We can't wait to show off our beautiful voices!
Autumn 2 - Flight!
This half term we have begun a new, exciting topic all about Flight. The children will be finding out about the history of flight, looking at key figures such as Leonardo da Vinci and Amelia Earhart. We've already started thinking about how we could invent our own flying machines!
In Literacy, we will be looking at traditional tales such as The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. In a few weeks, we'll be creating our own alternative traditional tale. We've been looking at some examples during Book Talk. Currently, we're reading Shampoozel, which is full of funny jokes!
Here is the Autumn 2 topic web with ideas of how you can help your child at home.
Autumn 1 - Dinosaurs!
We have been very busy in Autumn 1 exploring the world of dinosuars. We've been creating our own dinosaur information books and even been dinosaur detectives at the Manchester Museum. But don't worry, we had just enough time to squeeze in a few other subjects too!
We have been busy bees!

Our visit to Manchester Museum
Our trip to Kersal Moor
We joined a Salford ranger to explore our local environment. We were on the hunt for woodland animals and Autumn plants. We found an amazing amount of conkers! We also collected plants on special sticky card and carefully captured a few woodland insects in bug-catching equipment. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves as you can see from our photos.