Year 3 Riley
to Year 3R's class page!
During this time of school absence, please log onto the RM Portico site for all of your home learning tasks. These will be uploaded daily. Your login can be found in the front of your home learning book.
If you need further help, please email, ''. I will check this account once a day and will reply ASAP.
Please keep cosy and comfortable at home and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Dear all of the children in Year 3R,
As we near the end of the school year, we naturally reflect upon the year we have had. What a strange year it has been! I was delighted to be your class teacher for a second year and to be able to continue to watch you grow and mature.
We had a great start to the year. You made lots of progress and settled into the juniors ever so smoothly. Then, the virus struck. It has been difficult for everyone yet we are coming through this together. School has not been the same without you here.
Well done to those who have stuck with the home learning. It will ensure that you haven’t forgotten all of what you have previously worked hard for and it’ll mean you’ll be able to enter Year 4 and hit the ground running! This will make September much easier for you. If you haven’t managed to keep up, you have another six weeks to help yourselves get back up to speed.
When we arrive back into school, we will be well rested and ready more than ever to get going with building your learning blocks, preparing you for life beyond school. I am meeting with your Year 4 teacher, Mrs Williamson, today and I will share all of your successes so far with her. She will be thrilled with what she hears.
I hope you have a wonderful summer holiday. Continue to explore, be curious and find a comfy spot to settle with a good book!
I have been so proud of each and every one of you and I cannot wait to see you again, in September. Please thank your parents for their continued support – helping you and helping me to do the best for you.
Take good care of yourselves and keep yourselves and your family safe.
Kindest Regards,
Miss Riley
Here you will be able to see what we have been learning about, the adventures we've had and the achievements we've made. We try our best to improve each day and to make the world a happier place to be.
Soorena's Time Capsule

Kaelan's Time Capsule

This term, we are learning to understand, recite and perform the poem, 'Slowly' by James Reeves.
Slowly the tide creeps up the sand,
Slowly the shadows cross the land.
Slowly the carthorse pulls his mile,
Slowly the old man mounts the stile.
Slowly the hands move round the clock,
Slowly the dew dries on the dock.
Slow is the snail – but slowest of all
the green moss spreads on the old brick wall.
James Reeves
We have now mastered our decoding skills and are able to read. We are readers, who do read. Reading is central to our learning, across the curriculum, and therefore we give it the utmost importance that it deserves. Children in Year 3R are expected to read with an adult every day and also practice the common exception words.
Within class, we are enjoying and exploring a range of texts:
Last year, our class author was Roald Dahl. The children really enjoyed Dahl’s humour and the depth of the characters he writes about. Therefore, we started the year by exploring one of his more complex texts, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ during our book talk sessions. The children are making deep connections with the characters, plot and key themes across the text.
The children are developing their ability to: succinctly summarise a text; make predictions and justify these based on what has been done or said; clarify new words and phrases by reading around the word, building on what they already know, using a dictionary and through discussion; and also refining their questioning to understand the motives/emotions of characters, making connections across the text and the author’s choices at the point of planning and writing the text.
During our reading comprehension lessons, we are exploring the Carrie Weston book, ‘The Little Match Girl', which is rich in language and emotions.
We also have a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts that we use to develop our reading skills, in our daily guided reading sessions.
Our year group author is Andy Stanton. The children have begun to explore his books, in particular his Mr Gum series. They take on a different structure and are strangely humorous.
The children love to become immersed in a book and enjoy using our well-stocked class, school and local libraries.
Whilst reading, the children are identifying new words (Words of the Week) to learn and phrases they enjoy (Magpie Moments), that they can then use in their own writing.
Our new words that we have learnt so far are:
Nouns - (A noun is a word that gives the name of an object) - entrance.
Adjectives (An adjective is a word that describes a noun) - frantic, glum, courageous, plumpest, delicate, keen and murky.
Verbs (A verb is a word that tells us what is being done) - approach, abandon, receive, reply, plump, lurk, create, console, devastate, jeer, quiver and accuse.
Adverbs (An adverb is a word that describes how the verb is taking place or modifies an adjective) - franticly, incredibly and tenderly,
Our Magpie Moments are:
wild with rage, scent of danger, quivering with fear, panting for breath
Our writing purpose has grown organically from the text, ‘The Stone Age Boy’, which builds upon our first history topic.
The children received letters and pictures to engage with the text, before receiving the book. During this time, they began to understand the characters, writing replies and also predicting the story line by sequencing pictures from the text and writing their own story. They have used their skills of reading to understand the text, make comparisons, and write alternative versions.
Writing is structured using a range of sentence structures: simple, compound, complex, question, exclamation, statement and command. We have revisited all of the year 2 grammar features, which the children are using consistently in their writing and we are now focusing on the expectations within year 3.
In our art lessons, the children investigated the artist, Paul Klee.
They explored the use of tints and shades and planned their own piece of art, influenced by Klee and cave paintings, which they learnt about in their history topic.
Peruse our journey towards our finished pieces…
Our Art Gallery