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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

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Year 5

Mrs Hawkins and Miss Connolly welcome you to their Year 5 Page. Please keep up to date with all of the learning we will be celebrating on our page! smiley 

Welcome to Year 5 - Meeting Powerpoint

5C at the Polling Station! They were voting for the end of term house team prize to celebrate UK Parliament Week.

5H casting their votes!

This week, we are developing and practicing our oracy skills. In Year 5, we have written persuasive speeches in the hope that we will get picked as a house team captain. See the pictures of how we are getting on below! 

Year 5 - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

In assembly, it was Year 5's turn to recite their poem for the Autumn Term. See them reciting 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' By William Wordsworth.

Year 5H! We enjoyed our first class visit to the library. We loved choosing books to take home!

5C exploring different types of percussion in music!

Get Sorted - Unit 1

5C observing and comparing different solids according to their properties, including their hardness!

5C hard at work looking at the properties of metals and why certain metals are used for certain things.

Marvellous Mixtures - Unit 2

Can we purify rock salt?


Partner bridges we created in 5H
