LA survey on SEND provision
Parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities...HAVE YOUR SAY! In Salford we are committed to ensuring that all children with special educational needs and/or disabilities have the opportunity to attend play, leisure, sports and other activities, including out of school provision, in their local communities. We understand the importance of this provision, not only providing children and young people with the opportunity to meet other people and have fun in a safe, friendly environment, but also giving parents and carers a chance to have a break from their caring responsibilities. In conjunction with Salford Parent-Carer Forum, a working group have developed a short survey for parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. We would like to gain parent/carer views in relation to access to leisure/social activities and wrap around/out of school provision - what is working well, and what would you like to see more of? Equally it’s important for us to understand what the barriers have been to accessing required provision and how we can improve the offer going forward. The results of the survey will help us to asses/further develop a community based offer to support children and their parents/carers to access leisure activities, out of school/wrap-around care which is accessible, affordable, inclusive and safe. If you could spare 5-10 minutes to complete the survey in the link below, it would be much appreciated. The survey will remain open until Monday 29th November.