Year 3
Year 3 Roman trip!
Year 3 C
Welcome to year 3's class page!
Here we will keep you updated with our amazing work, photos and other exciting activities we will create together throughout the year!
Our year 3 team.
Miss Camilleri and Miss Fay 3C
Miss Daly and Miss Janiak 3D
Homework will be uploaded every Friday on google classroom.
Spelling tests and x tables tests will be tested on Friday.
Please encourage your child to practice these.
Here is a link for x tables rockstars.🎸
Reading books should be signed and in school every day following our traffic light system. The books will be changed every Monday and Thursday.
Your child should read 5+ more times a week. They will be given a green in their diaries and will be entered to win a new book to keep! 🚦
Year 3 Performance Poem

February 15th 2024
Take a look at year 3 celebrating our amazing outstanding grade with a movie day and disco!
Outstanding celebration!
Before Christmas, children had the opportunity to enter a poetry competition. They were asked to create a short paragraph about a Crazy Creature. All entries were sent off and this week they announced the winners! WINNERS-if you would like your poem to be published, you must return your consent forms! Well done to everyone that took part! If you were not successful this time, please don’t give up! There is currently a new competition you can enter called Once Upon a Time! Entry forms are available in the library. If you would like further information please visit
15th November 2023
Well done Year 3 for raising money for ‘Children in Need’. We had a great time at the disco!

Reading at St. Thomas’ is very important to us. Reading can open up many opportunities for our children.
In class, we have reading for pleasure time where children can choose a book from the class library and enjoy their chosen book. The children will be able to visit our school library and take a book home. Please remember it must be returned to school.
STEM Dazzle Books:
Children who are trying super hard in STEM subjects will get to choose a dazzle book from the library.
STEM Dazzle Book Winners:
Challenge books
Children will come home with a book that they should read and once finished return to class. They will be given a sheet to fill in about this book. If a child has read 6 of the challenge books they will be rewarded with a badge from Mr Deane!
Take a quiz from each subject to remember what we have been learning!
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
In summer term, we are reading the book, Libby and the Parisian puzzle.
We created our own version of “Please Mrs Butler By Alan Ahlberg.”
Please Mr Deane by year 3
Our class book this term is 'stone age boy' We will follow the adventure of the boy and his meetings of a Stone Age tribe!
We will create our own writing pieces based on this wonderful book!
This also links in with our history topic ‘The Stone Age' and our Art topic Looking at Paul Klee and his abstract paintings!
Sketching inspired by stone age drawings.
This term we are looking at the book – Escape from Pompeii! Our book takes us through a journey of how people felt and lived during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius!
This links with our next topic in History –The Romans! We have also been looking at Mountains in Geography!
Can you name A mountain range in the UK?
Spring term:
We have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl!
We have enjoyed
- designing our own chocolate,
- Creating top trumps for our character descriptions
- Recreated our own paragraph for the book and many more!
We begin our gym session with a warm up, followed by floor work then onto the apparatus and finish with a cool down.
We have been practicing different rolls such as; forward and backwards rolls, cartwheels and a log roll.
We explore the apparatus by travelling in many ways such as; over and under, beside and on top. Look at us practising below.


Bonjour from Year 3C.

In History, we are currently learning about the Stone Age! We have been discussing how the
Stone Age is split into three periods.
We have been looking at artefacts to help us learn more about the past.
In Year 3, we are very lucky as Mrs Lloyd comes into school to teach us music! Here is 3D learning how to sing 'We Will Rock You! The Stone Age Song' : Find the link to the song here: We Will Rock You! The Stone Age Song
Year 3D Music Performance

In computing we looked at online identity. Keeping your passwords and self safe online is important. We can recognise online bullying and have discussed different ways to prevent it.
Spring term:
In computing we have explored 360 videos. We were able to listen to David Attenborough’s audio on nature and remake our own using audio. We enjoyed looking at the rainforests and exploring them on google earth!

This term we have been learning all about forces and magnets! Here is 3D whilst they complete a science experiment:
School Trips
Geography trip to Southport!