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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

Together with God we reach for the stars

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Applying for a Nursery and Reception school place starting in September 2025

Please read the information given below which gives details of our admission arrangements for the school.

Salford Residents


Places in Nursery are offered from the September following your child's third birthday. If your child was born between 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022 you can apply for a Nursery Place.


Places in Reception are offered from the September following your child's fourth birthday.  If your child was born between 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021 you can apply for a Reception Place.


To apply for a Nursery or Reception place starting in September 2025 please visit the website below:


or telephone the admissions department for an application form on 0161 793 2500, alternatively you can visit your local Gateway Centre for an application form.


Applications for Nursery and Reception places for September 2025 can be made online from 1st September 2024 until 11:59pm on 15 January 2025.


Primary schools admission timetable


The primary admissions process follows a strict timetable with set deadlines that follow the Salford Local Authority to offer your child a single primary school place on 16th April 2025:

  1. Closing date for applications: 15 January 2025
  2. Salford Local Authority sends applications to aided schools: 4 February 2025
  3. Aided schools responses: 4 March 2025
  4. Offer made to parents by Salford Local Authority: 16 April 2025
  5. Deadline for accepting the offer of a school place: 28th April 2025
  6. Deadline for lodging an appeal: 14 May 2025
  7. Notice of appeal hearing will be given 10 days prior to hearing date
  8. Wherever possible a decision letter will be given within 5 school days of the hearing
  9. Reception Appeals for on-time applications appeal must be heard within 40 school days of appeal being lodged. The Reception appeals will follow the same process as above.


Supplementary forms


St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School require the following information:


* Copy of Baptism Certificate.  Please send a copy of your child's Baptism Certificate into school to support your application.


Catchment Area


Manchester and Bury Residents


Applications for a Nursery from Septemeber 2025 will open from 1st September 2024 online via


Applications for a Reception place for September 2025 are made via your Local Authority.  Please contact Manchester City Council 0161 245-7166 or  Bury Council 0161 253-6474 for further information.


Places in Nursery are offered from the September following your child's third birthday. If your child was born between 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022 you can apply for a Nursery Place.


Places in Reception are offered from the September following your child's fourth birthday.  If your child was born between 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021 you can apply for a Reception Place.



Supplementary forms


St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School require the following information:


* Copy of Baptism Certificate.  Please send a copy of your child's Baptism Certificate into school to support your application.



For Manchester Residents please visit:



Phone: 0161 245 7166


For Bury Residents please visit:

Phone: 0161 253 6474



In Year Admissions


In year applications are co-ordinated by the local authority.


If you wish to apply for a place for your child in the middle of the school year, please contact your Local Authority who will send you an application form. See above website links.



Admissions Policy 2022 - 2023

Admissions Policy 2023 -2024
