School Activity Gallery
Please note, school activity updates are now being posted directly on class pages and curriculum subject pages - please look there for our latest event news and photos!
Welcome to the gallery!
Here we will feature exciting news.
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We have had a fabulous day in school celebrating our amazing support staff. During the two assemblies, certificates and goodie bags were given out to show our appreciation. We were joined by Jim King, our chair of governors, along with Jane Whelan and an old friend, councillor John Walsh, who is great supporter of St Thomas’. As Mr Deane said,” Our support staff take the time to get to know our children, they are extremely hard working and have big hearts.” Without our dedicated support staff our school would not be the happy place it is! Thank you to you all.

Golden Pen and Pencil Awards Autumn 1, 2019
Mr Deane awarded many children from KS1 and 2 with the much coveted golden pens and pencils!
Who are they awarded to? In KS1 they are awarded to pupils who are consistent with their letter formation, size and placement and in KS2 they are awarded to those who are joining neatly and consistently!
Well done to all who received one!

Friendship week
Silhouettes of fallen soldiers is the backdrop of remembrance ceremony at St Thomas's
St Thomas's marked the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War with a whole school centenary celebration.
Silhouettes of fallen soldiers, made by students of St Thomas’s, was the backdrop for the ceremony, which saw Mr Deane lead the memorial. With over 400 students gathered, the school’s drama club recited the poem ‘Never to Grow Old’ (Carolyn McAllan) before a two minute silence was observed. A wreath made by Year 4 pupils was laid to conclude the celebration.
Each class (from Nursery to Year 6) celebrated the centenary; from learning ‘In Flanders Fields’ to making prayer books as part of the mural (created by History co-ordinator Miss Stephens) which will be displayed throughout November.
Remembrance 2018
KS2 held their ‘Cultural Celebration of Heritage’ day, on Thursday 24th May, and what a wonderful day it was! Both children and teachers thoroughly enjoyed exploring our school's wonderful mix of cultures, as children 'visited' China, Ireland, countries of Africa, Germany, Poland and Great Britain. A special thank you to all of the families who made the day extra special with their amazing food and traditional dress contributions.
We had the privilege of hosting a local children's author and poet, Elayne Ogbeta, We really enjoyed her visit to school.
World Book Day 2017
World Book Day 2016
World Book Day is a celebration!
It's a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it's a celebration of reading. In fact, it's the biggest celebration of its kind. Today the staff and pupils dressed up as their favourite book characters.
John Malam the non-fiction author
John Malam the non-fiction author who joined us yesterday to tell us about all the stages involved in making a book.
World Book Day 2015
Our World Book Day Parade!

An audience with Steve Cole!
We had the privilege of hosting well known children's author, Steve Cole, as part of our celebration of Manchester Children's Book Festival. Children from years 2 to 6 were in hysterics as Steve brought to life many hilarious characters and story scenarios. The love of reading is palpable in our school and this was a perfect opportunity for the children to be immersed in the fun, excitement and adventure of story creation and development. I know Steve has inspired many pupils to become professional writers when they are older. What a great experience for all!
Singing along with Steve Cole!

Author Alan Durant visits school!
We were lucky to be paid a special visit by another well known children's author this week. Alan Durant started his visit by hosting a special author assembly with the juniors. This was followed by a book reading workshop with Mrs McCormick's reception children and their parents. The day continued with an infant assembly and book reading. The afternoon saw a session in class with Miss Moffit's Reception class and two writing workshops in Year 4 and Year 3/4! All in all it was a busy, but exciting day - celebrating the joy of books and the behind the scenes work that contributes to a great story! Browse our pictures below showing this special event...
Primary Engineer
On Friday 14th March two of our Design and Technology Leaders represented our school at a special Engineering Competition held at Manchester College. Their Design Brief included creating a battery powered vehicle able to drive forwards and backwards in a straight line, and creating a remote control which would help drive the vehicle up a steep ramp.The competition also required a theme to be chosen and incorporated into the design.
The team members decided that the St Thomas of Canterbury entry should be themed on Fair trade, as we are a Fair trade school, and we are passionate about spreading the Fair trade message. Their final product was so impressive that not only did they score highly on all judging criteria but they were overall winners for 'Best Theme'. Take a look at the pictures below to see their hard work paying off on competition day!
Primary Engineer
World Book Day 2014!
Year Five's Victorian Carol Concert and Christmas Story. December 2013.
Throughout the school we saw several beautiful nativity adaptations. Year Five's offerings saw an adaptation of the story of the Little Match Girl, originally written by Hans Christian Anderson. With Christmas punch, mince pies, Christmas Cards, carols and a stunning atmosphere in the Church - a great night was had by all. Our sincerest thanks to all who attended.
Year Three Art Days. December 2013.
From sketching using pencils, to experimenting with pastels, Year 3 were treated to two days of art. Resulting in self portraits, Year 3 discovered drawing and painting skills inspired by pop-art artist Andy Warhol. Some of us even learned how to draw noses ... !