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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

Together with God we reach for the stars

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“My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with all my soul.” Psalms 108


Through the music curriculum at St Thomas of Canterbury, we intend to inspire pupils to develop a love of music and recognise their talent as musicians. We are committed to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music. We see music as a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity, as well as being accessible to all the pupils at our school.


Our programme of study allows every child to increase their confidence, memory and sense of achievement. It is the intent that learning opportunities are provided across key stages to develop key skills. The curriculum is designed so that each year builds on the knowledge and skills practised in previous years. Pupils will understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations. As pupils progress, they will develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose and to listen with discrimination. Pupils will perform, listen to, and review music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles. The curriculum allows the celebration of different traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. Pupils will be able to use and understand staff and other musical notations as well as being able to read music. At St Thomas of Canterbury, pupils will learn to sing and use their voices to create and compose music on their own and with others.


Within our positive learning environment, the children will have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, listen to live music and use technology appropriately. The children will also have the opportunity to showcase their skills and perform to the wider community.

We are now an official Music Mark school. We have been recognised for the commitment we have placed on providing the children of St Thomas with a high quality music education.


The National Curriculum states that Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. Music for Key Stage 1 and 2 at St Thomas of Canterbury provides children with access to a wide range of Music that will enable them to have access to the greatest of art forms.

We understand the importance of providing an exciting and engaging Music education for all children, and to provide opportunities for children to progress to excellence. 


Our Music lessons are taught by MAPAS Music specialists; providing high quality learning. Mr Morris teaches Year 1 to Year 4 and Mr Charles teaches Year 5 and Year 6. One class in each year group will teach the topic weekly for the first half term and the other class will be taught music the following half term. The subject leader is Miss Lavin and our MAPAS teachers Mr Morris and Mr Charles have created a new music scheme of work to enhance the children's learning. 


Our lessons follow the same set up every time:

Revisit - This is time that is dedicated to specific key knowledge and vocabulary. This may be learning from the previous lesson, a previous topic or learning from a specific year group that needs to be focused on before introducing any new learning. 

Teach - This is where Mr Morris or Mr Charles will introduce new learning, such as, learning a new part to a song or introducing how to play certain notes on instruments e.g. the glockenspiels.

Practice - The children have opportunity here to practice their new learning individually, in small groups or as a class. 

Review - This is time that children are able to perform to the class what they have just been practicing


We ensure that we:

  • Provide a music curriculum which is broad and balanced
  • Encourage children to enjoy musical activities and to provide them with the skills and confidence to participate in musical activities with personal satisfaction
  • Provide children with a means to express ideas and feelings through sound
  • Assist each child to develop a positive self-image and self –confidence
  • Develop a sensitive response to sound and music
  • Provide a curriculum which progressively develops the inter-related skills of performing, composing and appraising in all activities and extend these skills by applying listening skills, concepts and knowledge
  • Develop insight through music into areas of experience, some of which cannot be easily verbalised
  • Promote positive attitudes towards, and enthusiasm for, music work in school
  • Develop social skills and awareness whilst making music together
  • Promote skills, attitudes and attributes that can support learning in other subject areas, and that are needed for life and work.

The four key concepts of Music are:

  • Singing,
  • Listening and Appraising,
  • Creating and Composing,
  • Musicianship (KS1) or Performing (KS2)


At STOC, the children will also explore music through the inter-related dimensions. This includes:

  • Duration,
  • Pitch,
  • Dynamics,
  • Tempo,
  • Texture,
  • Timbre,
  • Structure,
  • Notation.


Children are exposed to lots of new language in Music; they need to understand what the vocabulary means and how to use it when listening and appraising pieces of music. Subject specific vocabulary is built upon each year. In Key Stage 1, children learn how to read simple musical symbols and apply this to their listening and performing, recognising how graphic notation can represent created sounds. As they progress through KS2, children will be introduced to progressively more challenging notation where they will have to be able to read and recognise any differences between notes.



All children throughout the school take part in Music lessons. Lessons are structured in a way so that they are accessible for children of all abilities and lessons will always be adapted for those who need it. Adult and peer support is often used to ensure that all children can access all learning, whether it be for learning a new song or playing a new tune on an instrument, and in turn become successful musicians. 


Character Development

Music allows us to be both inspired and creative. It connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world and is collaborative, celebratory and challenging. Our Music scheme of work is both ambitious and progressive, allowing children to be build on their knowledge and be challenged. There are also wider opportunities for children to enjoy Music at STOC such as the Ukulele afterschool club and lunchtime Recorder sessions with music specialists from MAPAS.    

KS2 Percussion Club

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Here are some of the KS2 children in our new Percussion Club run by MAPAS specialist Mr Charles.

Year 2 Recorder Lessons

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Year 3 Recorder Lessons

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Year 2 and Year 3 Recorder Sessions

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Year 2 and Year 3 Recorder Sessions

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EYFS - Reception

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MAPAS Instrumental Demonstration

This is "IMG_0321" by St Thomas of Canterbury on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Bunny Rhythm

Year 2 performing Bunny Rhythm with Ms Fowler.

Year 3 Performance

Year 3 have created their own sweet, linked to the book they are reading 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. In groups, the children have made their own jingles to help sell their sweet.

Year 3 Performance

Year 3 Performance

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Early Years is crucial in building the foundations of musical learning. They do this, for example, through singing songs, exploring sounds, copying sounds.

Music in EYFS includes:

  • Can do music – using simple instruments in different ways, exploring, turn taking/knowing what to play next.
  • Phase 1 phonics includes looking at environmental sounds, body percussion and voice sounds.
  • The outdoor area allows children to explore instruments independently.
  • Singing nursery rhymes and hymns.

Music National Curriculum
