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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

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Year 2

Mrs Arnold and Miss Rosato

Big smiles from 2Alaugh

Happy faces in 2R🤩

Year 2 celebrated their achievements in assembly this morning 🏆 Well Done 🏆

On Thursday 20th June, we had a ‘Fun Day’ for all children, to continue the celebration of our ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted result earlier in the year. We had lots of surprise activities throughout the day! These included Dinos Teach Rex, Dino Puppets, Magic Bubbles, Bouncy Castles & Slides and lots of other creative activities in class!

Year 2 Dinos Teach Rex...

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Year 2R Dino Puppets...

Magic Bubbles...

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Bouncy castles, slides & outdoor fun...

Year 2R creative activities in class...

Year 2's History Trip!

Year 2 had a fantastic experience at Staircase House in Stockport! In the morning, we learnt all about the Great Fire of London, where the children took on roles and dressed up as historical characters. In the afternoon, we delved into the world of 17th century firearms and the children were able to design their own! We also learnt about historical construction techniques and created our own wattle and daub panel.


Year 2R created portraits in the style of Paul Cezanne’s ‘Mont Saint-Victoire’

We love our weekly visits to the library 📚

We enjoy reading for pleasure in 2R 📚📚

In PSHE, we recognised that secrets can be both good and bad. Good secrets might be a nice surprise and something that would make a person happy. They are usually only kept for a short time. Bad secrets are about something that should not be happening. They make you feel sad, hurt or worried. We shared lots of scenario secrets and each individual decided if it was a good secret or a bad secret. We all agreed that we should speak to someone we trust about any secrets bothering us.

In PSHE, we have been looking at ways to stay safe both online and in real life!


2R enjoyed dribbling in and out of the cones whilst trying to keep control of the ball.


2R have been learning new ball skills. This week we practised dribbling the ball with our feet.

100% attendance raffle ticket winner! Well Done!

Year 2R won best attendance for last week with an amazing 98.7%

Hosanna in the highest! 

Jesus is in our thoughts and prayers during Easter time ♥️

Year 2R have been studying the artist Helaina Sharpley. We used wire to create our final piece…

We are studying the artist Helaina Sharpley. We are going to create a 3D flower in her style. First we sketched a basic flower to use as a template. Then we practised twisting, turning and pinching the pipe cleaners together to create the petals. Take a look at us in action…



Today, Year 2 designed, made and evaluated a fruit smoothie! They did a fantastic job at washing and slicing their fruit and vegetables. 

Traffic Light Winners...

2R were this weeks attendance winners! 



Traffic Light Treat Winners...

Well done to this weeks traffic light winners! Enjoy reading your new books!

World Book Day 2024

We created our own personalised bookmarks...

We shared some our our favourite texts in the library...

Golden Pencils

This week, Mr Deane recognised these children's amazing handwriting by giving them golden pencils. It was a special assembly to celebrate their hard work and talent. Keep up the fantastic handwriting!



In PE, we have been practising throwing and catching and learning lots of new ball skills. To end the half term, Year 2R enjoyed a fun game of benchball!

Children had the opportunity to enter a poetry competition. They were asked to create a short paragraph about a Super Pet. All entries were sent off and this week they announced the winners! WINNERS-if you would like your poem to be published, you must return your consent forms! Well done to everyone that took part! If you were not successful this time, please don’t give up! There is currently a new competition you can enter called The Poetry Bus! Entry forms are available in the library. If you would like further information please visit  



Year 2R have been creating different tones by adding black or white.



We have been looking at the most important book for Christians, the bible, as it is God’s word! Many children brought in their own bibles for us to share!

Year 2R enjoyed controlling a ball during PE

🎅🏻Year 2 had some special visitors today who kindly brought us some sweets🎅🏻

Year 2 designed, made and evaluated their Christmas jumpers in Design Technology🎨

🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners for reading at home 5+ times last week🚦 Enjoy reading your new book - 11.12.23

🎄Christmas Jumper Day🎄

⭐We had a fantastic time at the pantomine today⭐

🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners for their excellent reading at home🚦 Enjoy reading your new book - 4.12..23

Year 2 were busy this morning on the glockenspeils!

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Today, Year 2 practised rolling the ball towards eachother. They then, began rolling the ball at targets!

🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners for their brilliant reading at home🚦 Enjoy reading your new book - 20.11.23

Year 2 enjoyed practicing the challenge of throwing and catching balls at different heights!


Year 2R enjoy their weekly class visits to the library...

This week is ‘Friendship Week’. Year 2R discussed why it is important to have friends, be a good friend and the qualities of the friends we each have. We sang a friendship song and created friendship clouds. In pairs, we recognised six good qualities of our friend and shared them. Year 2R always have good friends in one another!

I’ll be there...

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🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners for reading at home 5+ times last week🚦 Enjoy reading your new book - 13.11.23

🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners 🚦 Enjoy reading your new book - 30.10.23

100% attendance raffle ticket winner-well done!

2R were jumping for joy this morning, as they won best attendance in EYFS/KS1! An amazing 97.2% attendance last week :) - 19.10.23

🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners 🚦 - 16.10.23

🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners 🚦 Enjoy reading your new book - 9.10.23

​​​​​​​National Poetry Day!

On Thursday 5th October it was National Poetry day. The school arranged for a local poet, Elayne Ogbeta, to come in and read some of her poetry to the children. Many of Elayne's poems are written in Jamaican patois and Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed listening to each one!



🚦 Well done to this week's Traffic Light Treat Winners 🚦 - 2.10.23


Year 2 love to read! We visit the library every Thursday and choose a new story to take home.

We enjoyed our first visit to the school library. Our author is Roald Dahl and we have loved reading ‘The Twits’ in class! Year 2 can’t wait for our weekly visits, so we can loan more books to take home.


Year 2R turned off the lights, closed their eyes and imagined looking at the night sky. They thought about their feelings and how we are always close to God.

We praise you Lord for all the wonderful things that you have created for us!

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Year 2R created their very own Psalm. Here is a short clip of a pupil leading our reading today.

Year 2R-We went for a walk around school to explore all of God’s creations!

Year 2A-God’s Creation Story

Year 2R-God’s Creation Story!

We discussed how starting something new makes us feel. We recognised the new beginnings that we face today, as we start Year 2, and the new beginnings we may have faced in the past.


Year 2R-Throw-Clap-Catch!

Follow the leader-Year 2R warm up session!

We explored rolling, throwing and catching in Year 2R!

In Year 2R, we practised rolling and stopping a ball, with control, using our hands. We loved our first games lesson!


We recognised that we all make mistakes but it is important that we learn from them! It is important that we apologise and say sorry. We also recognised that it is equally important to forgive others for their actions. We thought about something that we are sorry for and read them out to one another. As a symbol of saying sorry, we scrunched up the piece of paper and put them in the bin. We put our sorry behind us and started fresh to move forward.

Year 2R have been learning about online safety! Take Buddy the dogs advice to stay safe online!

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Year 2R thought about how we can take care of our local environment.

We all have rights and responsibilities in Year 2R!

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I have the responsibility to care for God’s creatures.

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I have the right to be listen to.

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I have the responsibility to not hurt other people.

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I have the right to pray for people that die.

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I have the responsibility to listen to my friends.

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I have the right to be kept safe.

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I have the responsibility not to say bad words.

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I have the right to be loved.

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I have the responsibility to respect people.

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I have the right to an education.

We recognised our class rules and why they are important!
