Year 1 Tattersall
Welcome to Year 1T
Welcome Year 1T to your own class page. On here we will share all the wonderful things that you have been doing in school. Come and take a look!
At the start of the Year, we were looking at the novels 'Zog' and 'What the Ladybird Heard' by Julia Donaldson. We enjoyed writing some fantastic pieces of writing.
After this, we were looking at our topic familiar settings. We have been thinking about the setting, characters and main events in a story. We have retold the story Rosie's Walk, and now we have become authors by writing our very own 'Trip to the Park' story.
This term we have been working very hard in Maths to develop our understanding of place value and number. We have been investigating how to represent 2 digit numbers in a variety of different ways.
We have also been developing our mental recall strategies for different number facts such as ways to make 10, doubles of numbers to 10+10 and halves of even numbers to 20.
Come and take a look at us hard at work.

In Autumn 1, we have been very lucky to have the artist Paul working with us once a week. To start with, we were developing our drawing skills in our sketchbooks. Then we were building up our painting skills through pictures, models and even our Black History display work!