The School Day

School Hours
School Day: From September 2024 -
8.45 am to 3.15pm (32.5 Hours Per Week)
Lunch Time: 12.30pm to 1.30pm Juniors
12 noon to 1.30pm Infants/ Nursery/Reception
If your child is absent, please let us know the reason by telephoning the school office on 0161 921 2060
Please do this on the morning of the first day of absence before 9.15am. If we are not informed of a child’s absence, office staff will phone the family home to ascertain the reason for absence.
Persistent cases of absence will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer.
Holidays in Term Time
The law relating to term time holidays was changed by the government in September 2013, we as a school must operate within the law at all times. Therefore, school will be unable to authorise any term time holidays, except in the most exceptional rare circumstances. Any application for leave as an exceptional circumstance must be made in writing to the headteacher.
Please see the link below from Salford Authority
Persistent late-coming can have a detrimental impact upon a child’s progress learning. It also disrupts teaching and learning not only for the latecomer but for the whole class.
Persistent cases of lateness will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer.
End of School Day Procedure
Please ensure that you pick your own children up promptly from their classroom at 3.15pm.
There may be rare occasions when you have made arrangements for someone else (another parent or friend) to pick your child up from school. In this instance it is the parent’s responsibility to let the class teacher know this in the morning so that they are clear who to release children to at the end of the day. If you are unavoidably delayed or make alternative arrangements during the course of the school day, then parents must take responsibility for this by phoning the school office and letting them know these arrangements.
If teachers have not had permission that day from parents regarding who is to pick up their children, then school will attempt to phone the parent of the child concerned at the end of the school day to confirm arrangements ( therefore please keep mobile phone numbers updated at the school office).
If parents cannot be contacted to confirm pick up arrangements, children will not be released to other adults and will instead be placed in our After Care facility ( standard charges will apply).