Year 5 Robinson
Concrete fractions.

Science, Art, Music and DT taster day at Our Lady's
DT workshop to design a new brand of shoe.
Reciting poems by heart.


Celebrating the birth of Christ through art.
Welcome to the webpage for Year 5 R! Please do check back often and we will try to keep you up to date with everything that goes on. Miss Robinson and Miss Smart are your dedicated teachers who will ensure you reach for the stars and be the best you can be!
At the start of this term, we will be looking at Street Child- a narrative set in the Victorian era. We will be building on our knowledge of clauses. In year 4 we learned how to use fronted adverbials and this year we will be learning about relative clauses.
In Science, we are investigating and taking part in some exciting 'space science'!
The Year 5 Team
Key Information -
PE Days - PE will be taught on Thursday afternoons this half term. We find it best for children to keep their PE kit in school all week rather than trying to bring it in just on the day it is required.
Homework - Homework is set every Friday and is due to be handed in on the following Tuesday. Spellings are also sent home and are tested on Friday.
Reading - As in previous years, all the children have a school reading book and a reading record. They are encouraged to bring these home daily and regular reading remains the greatest support that parents can offer their children. As children progress in reading, discussion of the books becomes more important than listening to them read - by Year 5, the children need to be able to talk about characters and their motives and devices that a writer uses.
An invitation - Parents are always welcome to visit the classroom to see the work that their children are doing - please pop in at the end of the day or have a word with Miss Robinson or Miss Smart.
High expectations - Parents will be aware that a new national curriculum has come into force over the last year and it raises expectations even higher for the things that the pupils should be achieving by Year 5. Just to illustrate what the children are aiming at, the documents below pick out key targets for the pupils across the core areas of English and Maths: