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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

Together with God we reach for the stars

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Year 4

Jesus said: I have come that they might have life in all its fullness [John 10:10]

Welcome to Year 4’s class page. Throughout the year, we will use this page to keep Year 4 children and adults up to date with our fantastic learning, photos and other important information. Our team consists of: 


4S: Miss Sale (class teacher) & Mrs Kaluza 

4L: Miss Lyimo (class teacher), Miss Piggott and Mrs M

Gran Can You Rap by Jack Ousby

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During our Stewardship topic, both Year 4 classes have been discussing ‘How can we be a steward of God’s earth?’. Year 4 were quite inspired by the work of Greta Thunberg and decided to hold their very own environmental protest. At playtime, the children took to the playground to share the important message about how vital it is to look after our common home.

As part of our multi-faith units in Religion lessons, we learnt about Judaism. This term, we have had the chance to visit Manchester’s Jewish Museum which is home to one of Manchester’s oldest and most beautiful synagogues! We took part in a scavenger hunt around the museum exhibitions, explored the synagogue and looked at some artefacts, and made our own challah bread to take home and enjoy.

In Autumn 1 RE lessons, we have been exploring the key question ‘Where do I come from?’ We have looked at Jesus’ family, going all the way back to King David, and learning about Abraham, Ruth and Naomi, Jacob, and Joseph along the way.

Look at our role play of the story of Jacob and Esau below.

Here is our harvest food collection for the loaves and fishes. Look at how generous year 4 are!

In Autumn 2 RE lessons, we have been exploring the key question ‘What does it mean to be called and chosen?’ We have recapped learning about Baptism from years 1-3 and discussed Confirmation. We role played the ceremony of Confirmation with our groups. 


This term, we have been looking at self-discipline throughout Lent. We have discussed what happens during Holy Week, and we know what happened on key dates in the liturgical calendar such as Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The children held a class debate entitled – ‘Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you, pray for those who treat you badly’, exploring arguments for and against.

In autumn term, to link to our history topic, we are reading a fictional novel that is based on the Ancient Egyptians - 'The Time-Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess' by Julia Jarman. Ka, the time travelling cat, returns to Ancient Egypt and is to be sacrificed by an Egyptian Goddess. Will Topher save him in time? What problems will he encounter on his journey?

This term, we are getting to know our novel ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ by Cressida Cowell. The book has really inspired the children with its links to our Vikings topic and many of the children are enjoying reading along with their creative Dragonese accents!

Dragon Poems


This term, Year 4 have been exploring poetry through dance, drama and art. 

Reading is a core part of our curriculum here at St Thomas. Your child will read every day in guided reading sessions, as well as one reading comprehension session a week. We also have whole-class book talk every day. We expect your child to read at home every evening and sign their diaries with a short summary. Books will be changed every Tuesday and Friday.

World Book Day 2023!!

This term in maths, the children are looking at Place Value to 10,000. We have been making numbers up to 10,000 and rounding to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000.

Autumn 2: Circuits

Autumn 1: States of matter (Solids, liquids and gases)

In science, we have been learning about the states of matter (solids, liquids and gases) and the water cycle. Take a look at the children learning about the molecular structure of the states outside on the playground. Please take a look at the song to remember the stages of the cycle: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation and Collection.

The Water Cycle Song

In History, we have been learning about the ancient Egyptians. We have learnt a lot about Ancient Egypt and some other ancient civilisations: Ancient Sumer, Shang Dynasty and Indus Valley.


In October, we took part in Black History Month and learnt about Desmond Tutu. 

How can we divide the world up?


The children began by recapping the 7 continents and 5 oceans which is how we learnt to divide the world up in Years 1 and 2. Now we are looking into the lines of latitude to deepen our understanding of global geography. Parents, why don't you ask your child some facts about the equator? Or year 4, tell your grown ups everything you have learnt so far! What are the 2 Tropics we have learnt about? What is a hemisphere? Can you remember compass directions and use a compass?


Seven Continents Song (Oceania Version)

Five Oceans Song

In Art, we have been looking at Suzanne Valadon’s artwork. We have practised our painting skills to produce a painting of flowers inspired by Valadon’s work.

Autumn art: Painting inspired by Suzanne Valadon

School subjects

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Music based on the Egyptians

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Your child will have PE (Dance, Gym or Games) on Tuesdays. Please send your child to school in full PE kit on this day each week. 

Inventing games in PE

Year 4 have been outside enjoying the sunshine during their PE lessons, where we have been using parachutes to work on team building!
