Year 5 Daly
Welcome to 5W's class page!
Home schooling supporting websites
There are a range of websites out there to support your learning with extra resources, fun games and songs. Below are some that you may want to visit.
Science - Watch animals in their natural habitats
Social Studies - Check out your local area. Can you make a route to school?
Other - Support for all topics - English and Maths songs - Support and resources for all lessons - Support and resources for all lessons
We will be updating this page regularly with information for parents/carers and including activities for children.
Our door is always open, so if you have any questions please do pop in!
Miss Daly, Miss Pirie, Mrs Wilson and Miss Carter.
World Book Day
Autumn 2
As we completed our history topic of 'The Victorians', we demonstrated how much we've learned about the role of children in society through the medium of dance.
We created a 64 beat motif showing several job roles that children might have undertaken ... can you guess which ones?
We certainly have some budding choreographers in 5W!
Marvellous Mixtures - Mixing and Separating States of Matter!
As we completed our science unit, we reflected on our learning; that Liquids and solids can be mixed and then separated out again using different methods, including using sieves, filtration, evaporation and condensation.
Looking at our knowledge organiser, we agreed that we all now ...
- Can use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating.
- Know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution.
- Can demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes.
We all enjoyed this unit!

Art days!
Relating to our history topic, the Year 5 artist was L S Lowry. Not only did we re-create one of his most famous pieces (Man Lying on a Wall), but we discovered who Lowry was and why he painted in the way he did. Of course we all enjoyed singing Cats and Dogs!

27.9.19 Trip to Lark Hill Place
In the morning, we turned Time Detectives at the Salford Museum & Art Gallery when we were met by Katy who showed us the Victorian Gallery. We were asked to work in groups to try and identify some mystery artefacts and then we were taken on a tour of our Victorian street to find out about their objects, and what life would have been like in Victorian times.
In the afternoon, we investigated how places change over time by interacting with old maps and images. We even carried out our own detective work to discover how different historical sources can help us to find out how people lived in the past.

Week 1, 2 and 3
The children have now moved into their penultimate year of primary school and each child has risen to the challenge with aplomb!
Our novel this half term is Street Child which centres around a young boy, Jim, who loses his family through poverty. We follow Jim on his journey through the dark, tumultuous Victorian times. This novel will stir emotions, raise questions and support the children’s knowledge of life in the Victorian era.
So far in our writing, we have used our novel to compose a setting description and character description.
In our mathematics lessons, we began by recapping time. This will be an ongoing topic throughout the year. Following the topic of time, we have been recapping and building on our place value knowledge using the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach.
Check us out … 7 digit numbers!
In RE, our big question is ‘Who am I?’. We have been discussing our talents and qualities and delving into who we are spiritually and assessing the qualities we have within us to make our environment and world a happier, healthier place both physically and emotionally. The pictures below show us acting out daily scenarios. We had to decide which quality (as mentioned by St Paul to the Colossians) should have been exercised …