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Year 2 Stephens

During this period of home schooling, please feel free to email me at for any support or guidance on tasks set. 

Welcome to Y2S 


Teacher: Miss Stephens

Teaching Assistants: Miss Delaney & Miss Flanniga


Be sure to check this page regularly for updates on exactly what we have been doing in class!

Autumn Term 



We have been receiving some very mysterious letters from a lonely rabbit, who is in desperate need of our help to find some friends! In our attempts to help him, we have written reply letters and even made an advert (see videos below). Luckily, because we are wonderful writers the rabbit wasn’t alone for long and soon his field became flooded with friends and family. We even helped create invites for the every growing litter of rabbits to be christened. In doing this, we have been perfecting our formation of simple and compound sentences.


In maths, we are securing our understating of place value of numbers to 100. We’ve become very skilled at making numbers in different ways, spelling our number words to 100 and recognising and using <, = and > symbols. We’ve worked on telling the time to 15 minutes and even made our own clocks to help! We continue to practise our times tables and division as we try to improve our weekly challenge scores. We must be able to multiply and divide by 2, 5, and 10 by the end of Y2.  Below are some useful websites to help practise!


We’ve already been on a wonderful adventure so far with our reading as we completed Fantastic Mr Fox. We couldn’t wait to find out if Mr Fox and his friends could escape the menacing farmers! Luckily, everyone was safe in the end. As Rolad Dahl is our class author, we’ll be working our way through lots of his amazing stories this year. Next up, we’re delving into the world of the child hating witches! We’ve also been practising our literal comprehension and inference skills by unpicking the texts ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and ‘Winnie and the Pirate Adventure.’ We’ve answered lots of questions about these texts, sequenced the stories, made predictions and preformed role plays!


We’ve loved choreographing and preforming our own dance based on mini beasts this term. Take a look at the final performance below. Can you guess which mini beasts we chose to include in our performance?


During the final week of term, we had so much fun designing and creating our own Christmas jumpers. The sewing was a bit tricky, but we didn’t give up. Check out our final pieces below!


This term we’ve learnt all about the extremely talented Stephen Wiltshire.  We were blown away to discover that Stephen sketches most of his landscapes from memory! He’s sketched famous landmarks and sky lines from all over the world.  We practised different sketching techniques before having a go at creating our own sketches-Stephen style. Although our sketches might not have been drawn from memory, we think they’ve turned out pretty well. What do you think?  Do you notice any of the landmarks in our pictures?

Spring Term 



We launched into our Great Fire of London topic this term with a visit to Staircase house in Stockport. This wonderful trip allowed us to travel back in time to the 17th century, as we dressed up in different roles as Samuel Pepys, King Charles II, soldiers and chambermaids,  to relive the events of Sunday, September 2nd 1666. We also learnt about wattle and daub houses and had a go at creating our own panels. After that, we were taught about the invention of fire marks and created our own to bring back to school. It was a fantastic trip that has left us hungry to find out more about this disastrous event! 

Catterpillars emerging as butterflies

Watch one of the caterpillars emerging out of it's cocoon!

Setting the butterflies free

Hi everyone,

Yesterday (Thursday 10th April- I think I say the wrong date on the video whoops) I went to my local park to set the butterflies free! It was time for them to go because all of them had safely emerged from their cocoons. I tried my best to record as much as I could for you to see. Although I don’t think I’m ready to become one of the YouTubers you all love so much just yet!!

All the butterflies left the habitat safely and flew off really quickly! You might notice some red blotches in the habitat. Don’t worry, this isn’t blood. It’s a liquid called meconium that the butterflies pump around their wings during the metamorphoses stage. What you can see in the habitat is the left over meconium that they didn’t need. In fact, real insect blood is actually a greenish or yellow colour.

Thank you for helping me look after the butterflies. I hope you will agree that it has been amazing to watch their transformation.

video 2

video 3

video 5

video 6
