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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

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Year 1 Miss Ward

Welcome to Year 1W


In Year 1 our new topic is Police. We have been very lucky to have some police come into school to talk to us about their job, and how they protect the local community. First they answered some questions that we had for them and they shown us some of the equipment that they use. We were all brilliant interviewers and gathered some great information from our visitors. Finally, as we had been superstars we were taken to look at the police car! Here we sat inside, tested the sirens and tried on the official police coats and hats. Here are some of the photographs from the day.

World Book Day

We have been celebrating World Book Day and our love of books. On this special day we came into school dressed up as our favourite book characters. Take a look at the pictures below and see if you can take a guess at which characters we were.

Year 1W Class Assembly

A big congratulations to all the children involved in the class assembly. Everybody was really impressed with the effort the children put in. A big thank you also to the parents and carers who supported their child with the preparation to the assembly and those that could attend on the day. If you could not make the assembly or would like to share the performance with other friends or family members then take a look at the video's posted below.

Class assembly part 1

Class assembly part 2

Year 1W class assembly part 3

Year 1W class assembly part 4

Year 1W class assembly part 5

Spring 1- Dragons

Our new term has had a busy start. Shortly after arriving back at school we found a dragon egg in our classroom. Along with the egg was a note from non other than Harry Potter! He had asked us if we could care for the egg until it hatched, and also if we could prepare the dragon one of our amazing fruit salads (this time with the extra special ingredient, dragon fruit!)

As a class this inspired us to write up some fantastic instructions for how to make a fruit salad. We didn't stop there, we then decided to write our own fantasy dragon stories.

Well what a busy final week we have had in Year 1! On Wednesday we performed our Christmas Play- 'Prickly Hay'. All the children were fantastic and the performance was a great success. On behalf of all the staff we need to say a big thank you to all the parents and carers who attended the performance and who also supported their children in preparing for their part in the play.


After all our hard work over the term,  on Thursday we enjoyed a visit to Romiley Forum Theatre to watch the Christmas pantomime Aladdin. All the children got into the pantomime spirit (Oh yes they did!) and everybody had a fantastic time. The children were also a credit to the school and made Miss Ward, Mrs Ravenscroft and Miss Harrison extremely proud!


By Thursday afternoon there was no time to rest as this week we have been working on our DT topic- 'To design and make a fruit salad'.  So we all rolled up our sleeves and started creating our own individual fruit salads. Take a look at some photographs of us hard at work, we even had a chance to cut some fruit up ourselves (supervised of course!).


On out last day we have really got into the Christmas spirit by making Christmas decorations. Thank you for all the donations you sent in towards these decorations as the money raised will be given to CAFOD to help support others less fortunate than ourselves.


Miss Ward, Mrs Ravenscroft and Miss Harrison would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe and enjoy your Christmas break.

Year 1 Christmas Play

At the moment we are rehearsing for our Christmas play 'Prickly Hay'. If your child has a line in the play, it is really important that they continue to practise them at home. We are confident that this will be a great success and are looking forward to seeing many of you at the performance on Thursday 19th December.

Autumn 2- Space

This half term we are learning about Space! In class we have started exploring our new 'Space Training Centre' in our role play area. Here we can learn about life as an astronaut and get a feel for what a visit to space might be like!


In Literacy, we have been looking at some super space stories such as 'The Man on the Moon' and 'Roaring Rockets'. We have also watched the video and listened to the story of ' The Baboon on the Moon'. After learning about the baboon, Year 1 have decided to write their own fantasy stories set in space and complete an ending to the baboon's story.


In Numeracy we have been learning how to measure the length and weights of different objects. We have been very busy using our measuring skills in class and teaching Barnaby (our class bear) what to do.




Thank you to all the parents and carers that attended our parents evening, it was fantastic to see so many of you there. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Ward.

Autumn 1- Familiar Places

In our first half term in Year 1, our topic has been familiar places. In Literacy we have been reading lots of stories with a familiar setting in them. We then went on to make our own story books about a walk in the park!  As we are entering Autumn time we have been thinking about the changes that happen to our environment at this time of year. We have written some fantastic poems to describe what we can sense around us.


In Geography, we have been learning about our local area. First, we found our school on a map and talked about the different ways we all travel to school. We then went on a local walk around our area to find out about the different things we have in our community.
