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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

Together with God we reach for the stars

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Year 2 Lavin

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Welcome to the class page of 2L!


Our teaching staff are:

Miss Lavin

Miss Rafftery

Miss Clarke

Mrs Abbot (Thursday pm)

Watch our Christmas concert performance below!

Part One

This is "IMG_0145" by St Thomas of Canterbury on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Part Two

This is "IMG_0146" by St Thomas of Canterbury on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


In maths, we are securing our understating of place value of numbers to 100. We’ve become very skilled at making numbers in different ways, spelling our number words to 100 and recognising and using <, = and > symbols.

We’ve worked on telling the time to 15 minutes and even made our own clocks to help!

We are doing fantastic in our times tables and division challenges so far and we are continuing to practise our 2s, 5s and 10s to keep improving in our weekly challenge. We must be able to multiply and divide by 2, 5, and 10 by the end of Y2.  Below are some useful websites to help practise!  


Roald Dahl is our class author this year and we will be reading lots of his amazing stories. So far we have read Fantastic Mr Fox. We thoroughly enjoyed finding out what happened to Mr Fox and how he outsmarted the evil farmers. Thankfully, everyone was safe in the end because of lots of great teamwork! We are now reading The Witches where we have read all about how we could spot a witch even when they're disguised as humans. Witches may even disguise themselves as teachers!


In reading comprehension, we have been practising our literal comprehension and inference skills. So far we have read 'A Squash and a Squeeze' and 'Winnie in Space'. Next we are looking at 'The Tear Thief' where we will continue answering literal comprehension questions, drawing what we've read, making associations based off the title, making predictions, sequencing the stories and performing role plays based on what we've read.


We have been using 'The Rabbit Problem' as our stimulus for writing.

While reading The Rabbit Problem, we  received some very interesting letters from the lonely rabbit who had been abandoned in a field! The first was a letter from the lonely rabbit requesting our help. The children, unsurprisingly, were very enthusiastic about finding the lonely rabbit some friends and came up with lots of fantastic and imaginative ways to help him!


The children have written diary entries, letters to the rabbit and have created their very own adverts to find a friend for the lonely rabbit.


Watch our television adverts below to see how we helped the lonely rabbit find friends...


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Still image for this video

We are now learning all about the Great Fire of London.


We went on a trip to Staircase House in Stockport where we learnt lots of amazing facts all about the Great Fire! Firstly, we split into two groups, where we dressed up like people during 1666 and went on a tour around Staircase House - we learnt lots about the story and had lots of fun acting it out as we went round! After lunch altogether, we split back into our groups to make wattle and daub walls, learning the exact technique that they would have used all the way back in 1666. Take a look at all the pictures of our fantastic trip! 

For our first History topic we looked at Rosa Parks and Eva Gore Booth. These were both very important woman who helped to change the rules and laws of the government. Both women wanted to fight for things to change. We specifically looked at how Rosa Parks refused to stand up to protest about the rights of black people in America and why Eva Gore Booth, with the Suffragettes, fought for women to have the vote in the UK. 


Below we re-enacted Rosa Parks refusing to stand up on the bus...


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Still image for this video


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Still image for this video
Here are some of our research projects about Rosa Parks...

We have really enjoyed learning lots of new things in Geography. We have been learning all about the UK. We now know the 4 countries that make up the UK, their capital cities and what famous landmarks are associated with each capital. We can also look at different landmarks and group them based on their observable features. 


We have been very enthusiastic about listening to songs about the 7 continents and the 5 oceans! The links are below. 


In Art we found out all about the artist Stephen Wiltshire. We researched who he was and what he has done and we were amazed to find out how he sketches a lot of his landscapes from memory! We practiced different sketching techniques and sketched London Bridge using different mediums before going on to our final piece. Look at some of our fantastic sketches below....
In DT we made our own Christmas jumpers! Before we made our final piece, we designed what we wanted our jumper to look like and practiced sewing on some felt. Even though it was very tricky, we kept on trying! We are very proud of our festive jumpers, check them out below.

In Autumn term, we learnt all about animals including humans. We looked at how we can stay healthy by having a balanced diet, that being hygienic helps us to stay clean and in order to stay fit we need to do physical activity every day! 


In science now, we are looking at animals and their habitats. So far, we know all about the 7 characteristics of living things using the anagram MRS GREN, what a habitat is and how animals are suited to a particular habitat to meet their basic needs (food, shelter, protection).

We have investigated different habitats in the forest school garden, looking at both micro habitats like plant pots and under rocks, as well as larger habitats such as hedges and trees. 

Here we are in the forest garden looking at different habitats!


In Music, we have been learning lots new things. We have learnt how to play the glockenspiel in time to music and we have learnt lots of new songs linked to our class book 'The Rabbit Problem'. 


Check out one of our performances below!

Music Performance


In PE we have been practising our throwing and catching skills. 

In the pictures below you can see us practising in groups how to hit the ball like in volley ball.

Here we are re-enacting the sacrament of baptism!

In PSHE, we have been looking at how we can be healthy. We have spoke about how we should keep both our mind and body healthy by keeping hydrated, making sure we get enough sleep, by moving as much as we can and pressing pause to make sure we keep our minds happy!


We have also talked about how to be good friends. Below you can see pictures of us with odd socks! This was to show that everyone is different and that we should try and be great friends to everyone around us.

