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St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School

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Year 4 Miss Johnson

Welcome to Year 4!

It is with great pleasure that I can welcome you to our class page. Each week, we shall try to update you with what has been happening during our learning in Year 4 and suggest activities that you can try at home to further your learning.  

We hope you enjoy reading our page!

Miss Johnson, Miss Singh and Miss Green





Our Year 4 Curriculum

In Year 4, we aim to provide interesting and engaging activities that allow all children to succeed.

Please find below a link to the subjects covered this year and our weekly timetable for each half-term.


How can I support my child?


It was wonderful to meet so many of you at Parents Evening. I have attached links to a variety of activities that you can use to support your child with their learning.

There are also links to our Parental Help Sheets for each of the topics covered this year and a breakdown of targets for each level in Reading, Writing and Maths.

If you have any queries, please come and have a chat. 

Spring 1 (January - February 2014)

During this term, we have been continuing our learning about Spies. We have recieved a variety of correspondance from MI5, instructing us to participate in a range of missions, including survelliance of the local environment and explaining how different spy gadgets operate!


We collected bits and bobs from in and around our classroom and transformed them into spy gadgets in our role play area workshop. Once the masterpieces had been created, we took measurements and wrote descriptions to promote our gadgets to potential buyers.



Spy gadget creations

Autumn 2 (November - December 2013)

During this half-term, our topic shall be Spies. We shall be looking at the text "Stormbreaker" by Anthony Horwitz, and use this to write our own dilemma narratives. We shall create and solve our own missions around the school and become confident in using coordinates to plot locations. In addition to this, we shall be learning about how to create circuits and use these skills to create gadgets to use on our own spy missions!


Missing in Action!


This half-term, Year 4 have discovered evidence to suggest that a mysterious stranger has visited our school. The children are currently investigating a range of evidence to identify who this person is and their purpose  in our school.

We shall keep you posted about what they uncover!

Year 4 become detectives!


Our Year 4 music lessons are taught by Mr. Jones, who works for Salford MAPAS. We are enjoying learning lots of different percussion instruments. This term, we have been learning how to play Samba music and have really enjoyed performing in the KS2 Christmas Head Teacher awards.


Year 4 percussion lessons

Numeracy in Action!

We really enjoy using practical activities in our Maths lessons to allow us to see how Maths is used in real world contexts.  To support this, we regularly use our role-play area which contains a variety of activities to enable children to use Maths, whilst in role.

Have a look at the video below of us in action!

Year 4 use Maths in Tudor Times

Still image for this video

Our Maths curriculum

This term we have been focusing on securing our understanding of the 4 rules (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

I have attached our calculation policy so you can see the different strategies we use to teach these operations. Why not have a look at some of the fantastic work we have done so far too!

Calculations Policy

P.E lessons

We enjoy a varied PE curriculum during Year 4. In our Gymnastic lessons, we have been perfecting our ability to perform a range of movements and use these to create sequences. We are really looking forward to learning how to complete a forward roll down a slope after Christmas!

Our Gymnastic lessons!


 Please use this link below to access our homework tasks.

Autumn 1 (September - October 2013)

We have throughly enjoyed our Tudor topic last half-term. We learnt about the life of the rich and poor during Tudor times and experienced a "Living History Day" at Bramhall Hall, where we became Masters and Mistresses and experienced the life of a high born noble.   

Year 4 visit to Bramhall Hall, Stockport


During our P.E lessons, we have been learning about Tudor Dancing. We have looked at the Pavanne and the Branle and have used this to create our own Tudor dance. We were very lucky to perform this in the Minstrel's Gallery when we visited Bramhall Hall.


Our version of Tudor Dancing

Still image for this video

We are musicians!

During our ICT lessons, we have been thoroughly enjoying learning how to create pieces of music using the app: Garage Band. We were very lucky to visit the Apple Store, where we learnt how to edit our tracks and add loops of sound to create repeated melodies!

