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Nursery Richardson

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Nursery R!

Driving in my car!


We have had lots of adventures 'driving' in Mrs Richardson's and Mrs Grosvenor's cars! Don't worry, no engines were started but we did have a look under the bonnet and thanks to our special visitor, James the mechanic, we learnt all about why a car needs an engine. We also found out that cars need water just like we do and we looked at where the fuel needs to go. We practised putting on our seat belts and talked about how it is important to keep safe in the car-some children could even fit in the car seat for Mrs Richardson's little boy! Our favourite part was pretending to drive and beeping the horn so all the other classes could hear!

Well I think you will agree that superstars have been born in Nursery!! The children worked so hard in the weeks before their assembly. They practised their songs, getting used to the actions, singing in their loud voices and feeling confident to stand in front of a large audience. They have made their teachers extremely proud! Watch the video below to see us shine!

Nursery class assembly

Watch our assembly

We can move our bodies!!


We have been very lucky to have had an opportunity to do a PE session with Mr Thompson in the Parish Hall! Our teachers were extremely proud of how well we behaved and listened to Mr Thompson's instructions. We are definitely getting ready for Reception! We moved our bodies in different ways, stepping on the stones forwards, sideways and even backwards. We really had to concentrate so that we didn't fall in the 'mucky swap' with the snappy crocodiles! Mr Thompson showed us how to hold our arms out to help us balance.


For our last race we had to balance a beanbag on our heads and throw it in the basket at the end of the line. We really enjoyed this and would love to practice it at home - maybe we could throw our socks into the laundry bin or try to throw a small ball into a bucket?


It has all been great practice for our up and coming sports day! Fingers crossed the sun keeps shining!

The Easter Bunny came to visit!


We couldn't believe our eyes when we looked out the window to see the Easter Bunny! We have enjoyed lots of Easter crafts and read the Easter story, learning the true meaning of Easter. The Easter Bunny stayed to have a photo with us and left us Easter treats in our classroom which we had races to find. We counted the eggs in our baskets and found out which team had the most. We followed instructions on where they were and gave our friends instructions on where to find them, using positional language.

There's a farm on the playground?


After looking after our chicks so well, the farmer decided to come and say thank you. But he didn't come on his own-he brought some friends along to show us. We got to feed the sheep and goats, and we even took the alpaca's for a walk. There were two alpacas called Chocolate and Biscuit, we stroked the ducks feathers and talked about the different textures of all the animals fur and feathers. We got to hold the chicks again and the farmer even put them on our heads and shoulders! We loved meeting all the different animals-maybe we could visit a farm with our families in the holidays.  

Autumn 1

Welcome to our class page. We will be putting up photos of us learning throughout the year and providing links with songs that we are singing and sharing topics and stories with you, so please visit regularly and show us the photos on our computers or tablets at home!


The children have made a great start to their Nursery year and we have really enjoyed meeting everyone in the unit and working as a whole team. We loved singing nursery rhymes together and sharing stories at carpet time. We have explored both classrooms and have thrived in our outdoor classroom and in the creative area.

Put On Your Shoes

We really laugh when he puts his scarf on his head!

Now we are in our designated classes we are getting used to the routine and  Mrs Richardson is very impressed at how we can remember our carpet spaces in the morning and throughout the day. We are working on becoming more independent and really trying hard to put on our own coats and wellies when it is time to go outside. This will become even trickier as it gets colder and we have to wear hats, scarves and gloves! The children can keep these in their tray as we continue to ask you to keep school bags at home. We need to keep practising being as independent as we can as it makes us feel very proud of ourselves when we achieve something on our own and empowers us to try new things!



We are having a great time eating our lunch together and trying lots of different foods that our fabulous kitchen staff makes for us! We are very lucky to have a wide range of meals to try throughout the week – keep your eye out for what’s on the menu daily as it is displayed in our window. Ask us if we liked it and we can always tell you what we had for our pudding! Our favourite is pizza and tomato chicken with rice. The teachers are very impressed with how well we use our fork and spoon, please keep up the good work practicing this at home as it encourages us be independent but also helps us to develop good fine motor skills.

The Wheels On The Bus

Nursery rhymes was our first topic and the children have loved sharing their favourite songs with staff. Twinkle, Twinkle and The Wheels on the Bus were the most popular, ask us to sing you the new version of Twinkle, Twinkle which features a chocolate bar and a rusty car! We have been getting creative making Incy Wincy spiders and stars for our wall. We have been using our brainboxes and working hard to learn new songs that have become class favourites.


One Little Finger

Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt

We are really good at joining in the actions and remembering what comes next!

Our favourite stories are the ones we can join in with the words so We're Going on a Bear Hunt and The Gingerbread Man are great for letting us repeat the phrases! Please read our favourite stories to us at home as the better we get to know them the more lovely ideas we will have when it comes to writing our own stories.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Singing stories is lots of fun too!



We have learnt all about the seasons and different types of weather. We discussed what clothes we would need to wear for the ever changing weather and had lots of fun dressing up in our clothes shop role play. 

Seasons Song

Weather Song For Kids: The Sun Comes Up!

Every day we talk about what the weather is like and change the signs in our classroom. We discuss if we will need our wet weather trousers and wellies on if we choose to play outside. We read some stories about weather and our favourites were 'The Little Raindrop' and 'My Friend the Weather Monster'.

Pancake Making!


We celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making our very own pancakes. In small groups we checked our ingredients, followed the recipe and took it in turns to measure out the flour, milk and we even cracked our own eggs! We all gave the mixture a stir and put our finger in to see what it felt like. It was very wet and sloppy. Mrs Richardson then made the pancakes in the hot frying pan and we had a taste of our own mixture - it was delicious! We chose different toppings to put on top and ate them with our friends.

Chinese New Year!


We have had a busy time for celebrations! For Chinese New Year we learnt all about the race of the animals and why the years are named after different animals. We made decorations for our classroom, and a big thank you to the parents who brought decorations in for our classroom. Chloe shared a lovely traditional Chinese song with us and told us what animals her family are!

We tasted lots of different Chinese food including noodles, fried rice, dumplings and spring rolls. Our favourite were the prawn crackers and sweet chilli dip! We went on a Chinese dragon hunt in our forest school but it was too shy to come out and see us - but we found lots of its red fire dragon breath!

We love books!


World Book Day was the perfect excuse to do what we love doing the most...listening to stories! Mrs Richardson shared her favourite story with us, 'Room on the Broom' and we were very good and guessing the rhyming words. Our phonics knowledge is really progressing! Ask us to tell you silly rhyming words for anything we see.

We dressed up as our favourite book characters and did a marching parade into Nursery T to show off our fantastic outfits. We made book marks and told our friends about the stories we love. Listening to stories really helps to develop our listening and attention skills, communication skills and also gives us lots of lovely ideas to act out in role play with our friends and to write about when we become super star writers in Reception and Year 1. Please continue to read us a bed time story as part of our routine and share stories as a family to help us develop further.

Easter has arrived!


There have been lots of visitors in Nursery over the Easter celebration! We have learnt about the true meaning of Easter and enjoyed finding out about Jesus riding to Jerusalem and everyone celebrating and welcoming him by waving palm leaves. How he shared a meal with his friends, some of whom were not good friends to Jesus and we had a big celebration when Jesus came alive again!


We talked about Spring and how it is a special time for new life. We looked for new life in our garden, finding flowers, leaves and insects.We had a very special job looking after our eggs, waiting for our chicks to hatch to bring new life into our classroom. We had to keep them warm in their incubator, then once they had hatched, make sure they had water to drink and food to eat. They needed a warm place to sleep and of course lots of cuddles and attention from us! We used this brilliant experience as a chance to practice our writing skills and made little books on how to look after chicks.
